Changes to HealthPartners SNBC Inspire program
On April 1, HealthPartners will no longer offer their Special Needs BasicCare (SNBC) non-integrated program called "Inspire".
If you are enrolled in this program, your options are changing. Your options will depend on the county you live in.
Parents and spouses can be paid as a PCA
A spouse, parent, stepparent, or legal guardian of a minor can be a paid personal care assistance (PCA) worker.
The parent or spouse must meet the criteria to be a PCA and be hired by a PCA provider agency.
For information on changes, see common questions about PCAs »
Free webinar on the art of access
The upcoming Odyssey webinar offers tools and best practices to help design educational programming, arts events and community spaces to be accessible and welcoming to people of all ages.
Join Julie Guidry, with Upstream Arts, on Thursday, April 10 from 1 to 3 p.m.