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Waiver Reimagine topics:


You have options to get the services you need. Below are a few scenarios that might help you think through what you want.

The Waiver Reimagine Conversation Guide (PDF) can be used to help you plan for your future. Use this guide to plan for your assessment, prep for meetings with your team and prepare for service planning with your case manager.

Nothing has to change! If your assessment shows that you still need the services and supports you are using, you can keep them.

For some people living in residential settings, the skills development support they used to receive from an Independent Living Skills provider will change to their current residential provider.

Great! It’s important to tell your team and your case manager that you want to work. If you aren’t sure what you want to do, or you want to explore your options, check out Disability Benefits 101 to learn more about how work and benefits go together.

There are some great tools for you to use in My Vault on Disability Benefits 101. If you have an email address, it’s easy to sign up and get started with planning paths.

If you have questions about how work might impact your benefits, contact Disability Hub MN to understand your options. Call 1-866-333-2466, or chat/email from the website.

Talk to your case manager about what you like about where you live now. Share what you don’t like and why you want to live somewhere else.

There are great tools for you to use in My Vault on Housing Benefits 101. If you have an email address, it’s easy to sign up and get started with planning paths.

Ask your case manager about the new service introduced in January 2021 – Integrated Community Supports. Talk about the services you’re eligible for and how to get the support you need to live your best life.

Some areas you might want to explore include:

Ask your case manager what you are eligible for, based on your assessment. Talk through what will change and what won’t, and get creative about getting the help you need. Look at the conversation guide to think through questions, and to access tools that will help you plan for your best life. You may appeal the results of your assessment, service plan changes or reductions. More information about the appeal process can be found in your appeal rights.

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