Read about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This federal law ensures a free and appropriate public education for children with disabilities, including access to special education and related services.
Community organizations
The Minnesota Council on Disability serves Minnesotans with disabilities through policy, training, technical resources, and collaboration with public and private stakeholders.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in areas such as employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications, and access to state and local government programs and services.
Decision making
Decision making takes on new importance during the transition to adulthood. Get the facts on decision making options — independent decision making, supported decision making and substitute decision making (or guardianship) — in the independence section under Your Options.
Explore decision making supports from Charting the LifeCourse. These materials are designed to help you explore areas where decision making support might be needed and plan for what it looks like and how it can happen.