Community First Services and Supports (CFSS) is a Minnesota health care program that offers flexible options to meet the unique needs of people. CFSS allows people greater independence in their homes and communities. CFSS will replace personal care assistance (PCA) and the Consumer Support Grant (CSG).
Below find a video and answers to common questions about CFSS.
Learn more about CFSS in this 5 minute video:
Note: Video will open in a new window.
If you use PCA or CSG services, CFSS will be an option after your next annual reassessment after CFSS launches in October 2024. If your next reassessment is before October 2024, you won't see a change in your service until your reassessment in 2025.
You do not need to do anything right now. Your lead agency will give you more information at your reassessment and a consultation services provider will help you learn more about your options with CFSS. When you have your annual reassessment, your assessor will give you a list of all consultation service providers that you can choose from.
CFSS will give you more choice and control over how you use services.
You will need to choose between a budget model and an agency model for service delivery. Each model offers different levels of responsibility for people who receive services. Both models allow you the most control possible to select and receive services.
With CFSS you can:
Have a spouse or parent of a minor serve as workers
Have a person using CFSS as your worker
Buy goods and services to aid in independence
Buy a personal emergency response system (PERS) to provide backup support
Use a consultation services provider for help planning services
Many things will stay the same with CFSS for you if you're currently using PCA. This includes the services PCAs provide, like support with:
Activities of daily living, such as eating, bathing, grooming and transferring
Health-related tasks
Instrumental activities of daily living, such as shopping, cooking, laundry and assistance with self-administered medications
Observation and redirection of behavior
CFSS will give you more choice and control over how you use services.
You will need to choose between a budget model and an agency model for service delivery. Each model offers different levels of responsibility for people who receive services. Both models allow you the most control possible to select and receive services.
With CFSS you can use a consultation services provider to help you plan services.
Many things will stay the same with CFSS if you are using CSG. This includes options to:
Buy goods and services to aid in independence (some changes may apply)
Have a spouse or parent of a minor serve as workers
Buy a personal emergency response system (PERS) to provide backup support
Have a person using CFSS act as your worker
Have a budget and serve as the employer to your workers
Note: If you use CSG in place of Home Care Nursing, your lead agency will offer a MnCHOICES assessment to you at your annual reassessment.
Yes. You can choose any provider that offers the services you need.