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SSDI work incentives

Work incentive employment supports help Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) recipients go to work by minimizing the risk of losing their SSDI and Medicare or Medicaid benefits. Find SSDI work incentives based on a person's needs.

For more detailed information on work incentives, see DB101 Minnesota - Work Incentives: The Basics.

See SSDI work incentives that help a person:

  • MA-EPD. MA coverage for Minnesotans with disabilities who work, pay Medicare and Social Security taxes, and earn more than $65 per month.
  • Medicare Extended Eligibility. If SSDI stops due to work, Medicare Extended Eligibility provides Medicare for at least 93 months after the Trial Work Period ends as long as the person remains certified disabled.
  • Trial Work Period. Try out work for 9 months and earn more than $1,110 per month without losing SSDI payments. Earnings less than $1,110 per month don't count.
  • Extended Period of Eligibility. During the 36 months after the Trial Work Period, SSDI is suspended if earnings are above Substantial Gainful Activity ($1,550 per month in 2024). If earnings fall below this level, SSDI is restarted.
  • Unsuccessful Work Attempt. If earnings are above Substantial Gainful Activity ($1,550 per month in 2024) but the job is lost due to disability three to six months after starting, SSDI continues.
  • Expedited Reinstatement of Benefit. If earnings are above Substantial Gainful Activity ($1,550 per month in 2024) after the Extended Period of Eligibility, SSDI terminates. If earnings then fall below Substantial Gainful Activity within 60 months, six months of benefits are provided while waiting for a disability determination to reapply for benefits.
  • Plan for Achieving Self Support. SSDI is increased if the money is used to pay for education, work or self-employment costs.
  • Impairment-Related Work Expenses. Income used to pay for some disability-related work expenses isn't counted when determining SSDI amount.
  • Unincurred Business Expenses or Unpaid Help. The value of free help, items or services is subtracted from self-employment earnings. If the result is below Substantial Gainful Activity, the person can keep SSDI.
  • Ticket to Work. Services and supports to help people go to work.
  • Subsidy. Social Security can deduct the value of a subsidy or special condition when calculating income.