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Share your story - Support

At the Hub, we love to hear about the people in your life who support you.

We asked people in our Virtual Insight Panel to share about a time they felt supported. Some shared a specific moment and others shared people who have supported them the most.


Look for those who support you in a particular situation and maintain that relationship. Although they may not be able to help in every situation, the understanding of you they provide can help you through a difficult situation. 

- Anonymous


My husband has been, by far, the most supportive person I could have ever had. I got my [diagnosis] when we were dating, about 18 months. We stuck it out and have been together almost 12 years. He helps with tasks around the house, more so when I’m having a hard day. He takes the kids out for longer days so I can rest. He really has been the best support system and teammate that I could have asked/hoped for. He is my rock. 

- Cassidy


I would have to say that I have been the most supportive of myself, which is the way it has to be to get where you want to get. 

- Anonymous


I’m really fortunate to have had a lot of support in my life, but the most supportive people have been my parents. They are always on my side, no matter what. I don’t think I would have become even half as successful as an adult without their encouragement along the way. 

- Jaime


We had an incredible social worker that worked with our family for the past 5 years, through thick and thin. That consistency, and knowing our kids/family, made all the difference during the harder moments. While she recently returned to a classroom position and we wish her only the best, we know the importance of building a rapport with those we are lucky enough to work together with in order to help our kids. 

- Kammy


I’ve been blessed to have support from family and church all my life. Since my daughter was born disabled, I’ve found support from other families, doctors, schools and the state of Minnesota. All have given me needed help at different times. And I very much appreciate it. Without support, it would be amazingly difficult. 

- Katherine


My siblings have supported me the most. They totally understand what we’re going through. I know I can call them 24/7. They will always be there. It means the world to me! I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have them. 

- Anonymous


Both my parents and my husband have been fantastically supportive. They remind me it’s okay to rest, it’s okay to not be who I was before, and to remind me of my great progress. 

- Ramona


My family is my greatest support. We rally together to help my son achieve all that he wants. We have always treated him like a regular kid and have included him in all we do. Sometimes we adjust what we are doing, but we never leave my son out. 

- Renee

Use the one-page profile from Charting the LifeCourse to share your strengths and interests, highlight what's important to you and show the best ways to offer you support.

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