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School age topics:

School age: Overview

School Age

School! Time flew by, right? Now that your child is getting ready to go to school for the first time — or is navigating school after getting a new diagnosis — there are things you need to know to support your child and your family.

This section covers:

  • Key supports

    School-age children have new relationships to manage and a new world to navigate. Connecting with other families who have school-age children can provide critical support.

  • Programs and services

    When your child starts school, some programs and services may look different — and some may be new.

  • Legal

    Knowing your child's rights will help you advocate and plan for your child's needs at home, at school and in the community.

  • Resources

    Here's a starter kit of helpful resources for families with school-age children.

  • Planning and advocacy

    Early planning helps set expectations for your child's school years and, ultimately, your child's goals for a good life.