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Informed Choice Toolkit:


Resources and tools

You can weave informed choice practices into your daily work. Here, find worksheets, tools, guides and other resources to support you.

  • Focused on control and choice, the Disability Hub booklet What does person-centered mean for me? (PDF) helps people with disabilities talk about what they want with the people who support them.
  • The It's my choice workbook (PDF) was created by the Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities to help people with developmental disabilities build their person-centered plans.
  • Use the Charting the LifeCourse framework and tools to learn more about the people you serve and help them set goals, problem-solve and build plans for the future.
  • Helen Sanderson Associates offers a full collection of person-centered thinking tools, including worksheets, videos, trainings and other tools.
  • The Learning Community for Person-Centered Practices is a global learning community focused on person-centered thinking. 
  • Positive Supports Minnesota is for all people who want to be respected, have choices and feel safe. 
  • The Minnesota Department of Human Services person-centered practices page provides an overview of person-centered practices.
  • The National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPSS) maintains a national clearinghouse of resources and monthly webinars that are archived and available to the public.

Minnesota's Olmstead Plan is a broad series of key activities the state must accomplish to ensure people with disabilities live, learn, work and enjoy life in the most integrated setting. 

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