Facilitating choices (PDF). This step-by-step guide from MAINS'L helps support the choice-making process.
NASDDDS informed choice resource library. Explore national reports, policy research, briefs and other resources compiled by the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services.
Informed decision making: Train the trainer curriculum. This training from the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals offers best practices for informed decision making. It's designed for direct support professionals, families and others to better understand the importance of supporting people with disabilities to make their own choices.
Introduction and guide to supported decision making. This video series hosted by Jonathan Martinis, a national expert on disability law and policy, offers an introduction to supported decision making and why the right to make choices is fundamental to our identity and well-being.
Supported decision-making tool. This Charting the LifeCourse tool provides an easy way to review various aspects of life decisions and then consider the level of support needed for each.
How to make a supported decision-making agreement (PDF). This guide from the American Civil Liberties Union offers a step-by-step approach to supported decision making, including templates for supported decision-making agreements.
Supported decision-making resource library. This collection of resources from the American Civil Liberties Union includes general information, a video library, interactive tools and more.
Focused on control and choice, the Disability Hub booklet What does person-centered mean for me? (PDF) helps people with disabilities talk about what they want with the people who support them.
The It's my choice workbook (PDF) was created by the Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities to help people with developmental disabilities build their person-centered plans.
Use the Charting the LifeCourse framework and tools to learn more about the people you serve and help them set goals, problem-solve and build plans for the future.
Helen Sanderson Associates offers a full collection of person-centered thinking tools, including worksheets, videos, trainings and other tools.
The Minnesota Department of Human Services person-centered practices page provides an overview of person-centered practices.
The National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPSS) maintains a national clearinghouse of resources and monthly webinars that are archived and available to the public.
Minnesota's Olmstead Plan is a broad series of key activities the state must accomplish to ensure people with disabilities live, learn, work and enjoy life in the most integrated setting.
Use our housing toolkit to help people explore housing options and reach their housing goals.
Use our work toolkit to introduce the idea of work and help people take steps toward rewarding employment.
Use our benefits planning toolkit to learn how benefits support work and help people get ahead through work.