School, VRS, SSB, waiver staff: Register for E1MN regional meeting series to build local collaboration
E1MN is Minnesota's state agency partnership to advance Employment First outcomes for youth and adults with disabilities. The Departments of Education (MDE), Human Services (DHS), and Employment and Economic Development (DEED) are launching a series of regional meetings to help build local E1MN collaboration throughout the state. This series builds on a successful regional collaboration effort from 2021-2022 and brings school stakeholders to these partnership efforts.
These meetings will help your local teams supporting transition-age youth with disabilities build the strong partnerships critical to person-centered transition supports and expand your knowledge and ability to apply the Minnesota Transition Framework.
Who should participate?
If you hold one or more of the roles from these groups that support transitioned-aged youth with disabilities, these meetings are for you. Please register here.
- Schools/Charter Schools/Districts/Cooperatives: administrators, work coordinators, special and general education staff, counselors, social workers, nurses, 504 coordinators.
- Vocational Rehabilitation Services/State Services for the Blind (VRS/SSB): Rehabilitation Area Managers (RAMS), Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) counselors, E1MN liaisons, Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) representatives, placement coordinators, State Services for the Blind (SSB) managers, SSB counselors.
- Lead agencies (counties and tribal nations): supervisors, managers, waiver case managers, E1MN employment liaisons.
What if you play a different role in this system?
These meetings are designed for those mentioned above. An event for other service providers will be announced in an upcoming E1MN Newsletter.
Meeting Details
This interactive three-part meeting series is to learn more about E1MN and to spend time building strong partnerships and collaboration within your area. Objectives include:
- Meeting 1 (February 2024): Develop shared learning around E1MN and the Minnesota Transition Framework and establish and collaborate with others on your E1MN Local Team. Meet and connect with others in your area, identify and understand roles, and determine who else should be included.
- Meetings 2 and 3 (April/May 2024 and October 2024): Collaborate with others on your E1MN Local Team around reviewing data, selecting strategies, and exploring an E1MN Action Plan to enhance your partnership.
- Between meetings: Continue to partner and collaborate with others on your E1MN Local Team and grow capacity to implement the Transition Framework. Encourage and invite others to participate.
Date and time: Each state region will have its own two-hour meeting listed in “Regions and times” below.
How to register: Click here to register by Tuesday, January 30.
Location: All of the meetings will be hosted via Zoom.
Accommodations: ASL Interpretation and CART Captioning will be provided upon request in the registration form. For other accommodation requests contact Dan Goldstein, or 651-447-5548.
Questions: Contact Dan Goldstein, or 651-447-5548.
Regions and Times
Attend the meeting for the region in which you work*. To identify your region, reference the map below or the Regional List of Agencies (list of the counties and tribal nations, VRS/SSB offices, and schools in each region).
- Region 1 - Northern Minnesota | Tuesday, February 13, 2:00–4:00 pm
- Region 2- Central Minnesota | Wednesday, February 14, 2:00–4:00 pm
- Region 3 - Southern Minnesota | Thursday, February 15, 2:00–4:00 pm
- Region 4 - Hennepin, Carver Counties | Tuesday, February 20, 2:00–4:00 pm
- Region 5 - Anoka, Ramsey Counties | Wednesday, February 21, 2:00–4:00 pm
- Region 6 - Dakota, Scott, Washington Counties | Thursday, February 22, 2:00–4:00 pm
*If your organization works across multiple regions, consider attending the meetings of both or reach out to or call 651-447-5548 and we can help you find the right one.
Video: E1MN Regional Meeting Information for Agency Leaders
The participation and support of E1MN from leaders (administrators, managers, supervisors) in school districts/charter schools, lead agencies (counties and tribal nations), Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS), and State Services for the Blind (SSB) is crucial.
All leaders are encouraged to view a 16-minute video which gives more information about what E1MN and the regional meetings are along with how you can support this important work.
If you have questions about E1MN or the regional meetings, complete an E1MN Request Form.
What is the E1MN Newsletter?
E1MN is Minnesota's state agency partnership to advance Employment First outcomes for youth and adults with disabilities. The state agency partnership evolved from Minnesota's Employment First policy adopted by the Olmstead sub-cabinet in 2014.
The E1MN Newsletter is a way to communicate important information to professionals (school, VRS/SSB, county, provider staff) who support employment outcomes for youth and adults with disabilities.