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VIP outcomes: 2022

In 2022, VIP members helped review different communication strategies.

Survey and focus group: Communication strategies

In January 2022, 60 VIP members completed a survey to identify those who were either receiving home and community services and supports or supporting someone who was. Of those 60 members, 20 were identified to participate in two focus groups. The participants discussed current Minnesota Department of Human Services communication strategies – from emails and the website to direct communication and coordinating with case workers and providers.

The VIP members shared:

  • A need for informational sessions on complex topics
  • Resources for specific questions
  • Less acronyms

Feedback will be used to develop new methods of talking with and reaching those being served.

Survey and focus groups: Experiences and ideas

In March 2022, 28 VIP members completed a survey and joined focus groups to discuss Habilitation Services. Twenty-one people took the survey and shared their thoughts on overnight supports and expanding night supervision. Four people participated in a focus group targeted toward those using a DD Waiver and three people joined a focus group for families.

The feedback shared an understanding of the current residential habilitation policy and how people are experiencing the requirements. Participants also shared changes they would like to see in the future.

Results from this VIP activity will be used to inform policy conversations on removing the residential habilitation requirements.

Survey: Services and supports

In August 2022, 54 VIP members completed a survey to gather feedback on what new services and supports would be useful to help people with disabilities transition to community living. Based on the feedback received, Moving Home Minnesota will be prioritizing the following areas of service development:

  • Rent and utility deposits
  • Furnishings, supplies and equipment
  • Food security (pantry stocking)
  • Records and fees
  • Discretionary funds

The feedback from the VIP survey will be used to develop and implement new supplemental services for Moving Home Minnesota.

Survey: Experiences and ideas

In August 2022, 50 VIP members completed a survey to identify people who would share their experiences and ideas related to changes to subminimum wage in Minnesota. This activity provided feedback to the Task Force on Eliminating Subminimum Wage in Minnesota. Two follow-up focus groups were held for people with disabilities and family members and/or guardians. Seven people participated in the two focus groups.

The feedback was shared with the task force and used to develop the task force's plan for meeting the needs of people with disabilities if the subminimum wage goes away. The plan will be submitted to the Minnesota Legislature in February 2023.

Survey: Communication strategies

In September 2022, 61 VIP members completed a survey to identify preferences between two different messages about assistive technology (AT). Disability Hub MN wanted to gauge the understanding and usage of QR codes to determine if this format could be incorporated into future outreach materials. Of the survey respondents, 93% indicated being aware of QR codes and 82% had used QR codes in the past. Learn more about QR codes.

In addition, the VIP members shared what they liked about the message they selected and what they did not like about the other message. This information will help shape future communication about assistive technology.

Survey: Website review

In November 2022, 81 VIP members participated in a survey to provide feedback on a new website. The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) created a website with workforce shortage resources for people who use services. The VIP members shared feedback on communication preferences and staffing availability.

With this feedback, DHS will:

  • Work to improve plain language and add additional details to certain sections of the website
  • Acknowledge that some resources are not applicable or available to everyone
  • Add information on ways for people to share their experiences with support services

Survey: Facebook

In December 2022, 105 VIP members completed a survey sharing feedback about the Disability Hub MN Facebook.

The VIP members shared:

  • Topics they want to know more about:
    • Health
    • State and Federal Benefits
    • Accessibility
  • Posts that interest them:
    • How the Hub can help you
    • Deep dive into specific topics
    • Accessibility or virtual local and regional events
    • Tutorials and how-to guides
  • Social media platforms they use
    • Facebook
    • YouTube
    • Twitter

Many VIP members also expressed interest in joining a private Facebook group for the Hub.

This feedback will be used to help create Facebook content that covers areas of interest for people with disabilities and those that support them.

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