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Medical Assistance topics:

Special Needs BasicCare

Special Needs BasicCare, or SNBC, is a voluntary program for people with disabilities who have Medical Assistance, or MA, and are ages 18 to 64. The program offers extra services that aren't available through regular MA.

If you enroll in SNBC, you'll have all the benefits of MA plus:  

  • A care coordinator who works with you one-on-one to help you access health care services
  • Access to a 24-hour nurse phone line
  • The option to join a health plan stakeholder group to provide feedback on health plan services
  • Additional benefits and incentive programs, such as health club memberships, rewards and incentives for preventive care

On April 1, 2025, HealthPartners will no longer offer their Special Needs Basic Care (SNBC) non-integrated program called "Inspire". You can find more information and to see how this change might affect you in this article on SNBC changes

There are a few different plans available on SNBC:

  • SNBC Non-integrated Medical Assistance Plans are managed care plans that cover MA services.
  • I-SNBC Integrated Medical Assistance Plans are managed care plans that combine MA and Medicare services, including Part D coverage into one plan.

You can find which health plans offer SNBC in your county by looking at the SNBC health plan map (PDF).

To be eligible to enroll into SNBC, you must be:

  • Certified disabled by the Social Security Administration or by the State Medical Review Team
  • Between the ages of 18 - 64
  • Have both Medicare A and B or no Medicare
  • Either have no spenddown or an Institutional spenddown (you pay some of your own money for care in a nursing home or similar place so Medical Assistance can help cover the rest)

The Hub can help you understand about SNBC non-integrated enrollment, disenrollment and opt-out requests. Contact the Hub.

No. You can choose to opt out of SNBC and keep MA fee-for-service. If you decide to opt out, you can submit the opt out form yourself or contact the Hub to ask for help.

If you don't opt out, you'll be automatically enrolled in an SNBC health plan.

“” Key resource

Wonder what to consider when choosing a health plan? Check out this
Guide to SNBC enrollment (PDF) »

SNBC health plans offer a range of services, from routine preventive care and hospital care to specialized services such as acupuncture, behavioral health and chiropractic care. Some health plans also offer gym memberships.

“” Key resource

Review additional information on
SNBC for people with disabilities »

You'll have to review the SNBC health plan options to know for sure. You'll want to look at the provider network listings for each health plan, and you'll want to make sure you know which health plans are available in your county.


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