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Take control of your personal financial life.

A person with short hair and glasses is smiling at the camera. We can see their eyes and nose, but the photo is cropped above their mouth.

“My dream is to have a career that allows me to support myself without having to pinch pennies every month — the same aspirations as everybody.”
– A Hub user

Money topics:

Help managing money

If you're not comfortable managing your money, there are tools and people who can help.

Check out online resources such as:

If you're getting Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, the Social Security Administration may select someone to receive your benefits and pay your bills. This person — known as your representative payee — should be someone who sees you often and knows you and your needs.

You can tell a Social Security representative who you would like to be your payee and they will consider your request. If you would like to replace your payee or think you don't need a payee, you can contact Social Security to request an appeal.

For details, check out these frequently asked questions about representative payees from the Social Security Administration.

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