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VIP outcomes: 2020

In 2020, Virtual Insight Panel (VIP) members participated in a focus group on a mailing about EIAAs, offered insight on navigation options for the Hub website, and reviewed a document about rights during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Survey: Support team online tool
In November 2020, 43 VIP members completed one or two surveys on two documents that can be used to share information about a person's quality of life. One document was designed for people to complete about themselves, and the other was designed for people who need support from others to communicate their wants and needs. The feedback received was very helpful: several new topics were added to the forms and the language was simplified and shortened in several areas. The forms are currently in the process of being published on, and later in 2021 we hope to be able to publish them on DHS webpages as well.

Survey: Support team online tool
In October 2020, 52 VIP members completed a survey to gather feedback to improve a new online tool. This tool will help share and access information and allow users to easily communicate with their support teams. Participants provided feedback on the usefulness of the tool, additional features they would like to see, technology needed to use the tool, and suggestions for training. Survey feedback will be used for development and to create guidance for using the tool. 

Focus group and follow-up survey: MA-EPD EIAA mailing
In January 2020, nine VIP members participated in a focus group about a mailing describing the benefits of an Employment Incentives Asset Account (EIAA) for people on Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (MA-EPD). Participants were asked for their feedback on the mailing, and suggested simplified wording, less jargon, fewer acronyms, and clearer next steps. In turn, revisions were made to the mailing and seven VIP members completed a follow-up survey. Participants confirmed that the revised mailing was clearer, easier to understand, and overall better or much better than the original. 

Online activity: Disability Hub MN website organization
In March 2020, 52 VIP members completed an activity to provide input on how information could be organized on the Disability Hub MN website. Respondents shared a wide range of ideas, including common terms to help organize tasks into themes. Terms like medical, legal, independent living, housing, community, and work were often suggested. Survey feedback will be used to organize information on the updated Disability Hub MN website and help identify common terms and phrases to include in future communications.

Survey: Guidance about rights during COVID-19 pandemic
In August 2020, 50 VIP members reviewed a document designed to inform people with disabilities about their rights during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants validated that the information was useful and, for the most part, clearly communicated. Some participants appreciated the amount of detail in the document, while others suggested simplifying the wording and reducing or eliminating the legal references. We also asked a group of self-advocates to review the document. They suggested other ways to simplify the text and improve navigation.

The authors will use the feedback to revise the document, looking for ways to make the text less dense and easier to navigate. They will also consider creating another version of the document that features more discrete concepts and simpler language.

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