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Work Toolkit:


The basics

Best practices

Success in employment is based on the following research and common model components:

  • Integrated competitive employment is expected. Everyone can work, given the right supports. High expectations and the belief that a person can work are the greatest factors in whether a person works, regardless of disability.
  • Job searches are based on a person's interests, strengths and skills. People are more likely to find and keep jobs that match their interests and skills.
  • Access to work support is based on a desire to work. Everyone who wants to work can look for employment. Works supports can start right away.
  • Employment services are coordinated with other services. Success at finding and keeping a job is more likely when a person's employment supports work in coordination with other supports, such as family, housing, daily living and medical support.
  • Personal, family and professional networks are prioritized. Most people find jobs through personal contacts and networking, regardless of disability. Make a plan about how to connect social capital to find a job.
  • Job supports aren't time limited. People can get job supports for as long as needed.
  • Work incentives and benefits planning are addressed. People are more likely to make work part of their plan when they understand work incentives and how employment will impact their benefits.
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