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Work Toolkit:


The Engage Plan Find Keep framework

Employment supports for people on waivers span multiple state agencies.

The Engage, Plan, Find, Keep framework graphic

Engage | Plan | Find | Keep (PDF) is a framework created by E1MN to show how waiver and VRS/SSB services support people at different phases of the path to employment. The person's thoughts about competitive integrated work define where to start and how they progress through the phases of the framework. 

Click the links below to learn more about how to help a person at each phase.

  • Engage
    How to help a person make informed choices about competitive integrated employment.

  • Plan
    How to help a person discover their interests and strengths and then prepare for a job search.

  • Find
    How to help a person find a job and then make a referral for long-term employment support services.

  • Keep
    How to help a person obtain the supports they need to keep their job.

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