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Work Toolkit:


E1MN training

Understand your role in supporting people on waivers with their employment journey. This area has guided, self-paced learnings you can follow based on your role in supporting people on waivers (see links below). Walk through the “Basic training for all roles” first, and then take the training that best fits your role.

Learn more in this introduction to the trainings (PDF) and video overview:

E1MN Training Overview
  • Basic training for all roles
    Start here and learn how to fulfill the core responsibilities you and other professionals have in supporting people on waivers with work.

  • Waiver case managers
    Learn about your responsibilities, as a case manager, supporting people on waivers with work.

  • VRS/SSB staff
    Learn about your responsibilities, as a vocational rehabilitation staff, supporting people on waivers with work.

  • Waiver employment service providers
    Learn about your responsibilities as a waiver employment service provider, supporting people on waivers with work.

  • VRS/SSB job placement providers
    Learn about your responsibilities, as a VRS/SSB job placement provider, supporting people on waivers with work.

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