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Work Toolkit:


E1MN training

VRS/SSB job placement providers

Create a job placement plan with the person and the VRS/SSB counselor

During the find phase, VRS/SSB job placement providers help a person create a job placement plan in coordination with the VRS/SSB counselor. This plan guides the delivery of job search services.

LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Complete the following to build your knowledge about creating a job placement plan with the person and VRS/SSB counselor.

To begin the process of creating a job placement plan, the VRS/SSB counselor will invite the VRS/SSB job placement provider to a Placement Plan Meeting, sharing information about the person (e.g., work goals, relevant assessments, sample job applications, etc.) with the provider prior to the meeting.

During the Placement Plan Meeting, details about the person’s work goal (e.g., skills, job goal, wage range, hours per week, etc.) are discussed. Additionally, roles and responsibilities of each team member are discussed.

The Placement Plan Meeting marks the beginning of job placement services, and a 60-day meeting is scheduled to check on progress.

1. Read about the find phase in the “Supporting people on waivers” section of this toolkit (20 min)

2. Watch the VRS training video below about placement and follow up services. You'll find discussion about creating a job placement plan in the first 14 minutes of the video, but you are encouraged to watch the entire video if you haven't already.

VRS training video: Placement and followup services

REFLECT: Take a quiz

Click on the questions below to reflect on what you've learned about creating a job placement plan with the person and VRS/SSB counselor (5 minutes).

Select an answer:

Correct. Before the Placement Plan Meeting, the VRS/SSB counselor will review and discuss several topics with the person, including the person’s interests and goals.

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. Before the Placement Plan Meeting, the VRS/SSB counselor will review and discuss several topics with the person, including the person’s interests and goals.

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. Before the Placement Plan Meeting, the VRS/SSB counselor will review and discuss several topics with the person, including the person’s interests and goals.

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. Before the Placement Plan Meeting, the VRS/SSB counselor will review and discuss several topics with the person, including the person’s interests and goals.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. All of the above. Several important things happen during the Placement Plan Meeting, including a detailed discussion about each person’s roles and responsibilities, a detailed discussion about the person’s work goal, and the signing of the Placement Plan.

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. All of the above. Several important things happen during the Placement Plan Meeting, including a detailed discussion about each person’s roles and responsibilities, a detailed discussion about the person’s work goal, and the signing of the Placement Plan.

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. All of the above. Several important things happen during the Placement Plan Meeting, including a detailed discussion about each person’s roles and responsibilities, a detailed discussion about the person’s work goal, and the signing of the Placement Plan.

Correct. Several important things happen during the Placement Plan Meeting, including a detailed discussion about each person’s roles and responsibilities, a detailed discussion about the person’s work goal, and the signing of the Placement Plan.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer B. Job placement services. The Placement Plan Meeting marks the beginning of job placement services, and a 60-day meeting is scheduled to check on progress.

Correct. The Placement Plan Meeting marks the beginning of job placement services, and a 60-day meeting is scheduled to check on progress.

Incorrect—the correct answer B. Job placement services. The Placement Plan Meeting marks the beginning of job placement services, and a 60-day meeting is scheduled to check on progress.

Incorrect—the correct answer B. Job placement services. The Placement Plan Meeting marks the beginning of job placement services, and a 60-day meeting is scheduled to check on progress.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. False. It is possible for VRS/SSB job placement providers to use their own form rather than the VRS/SSB form, but it is very important that the placement plan form clearly identifies the roles and responsibilities for all team members.

Correct. It is possible for VRS/SSB job placement providers to use their own form rather than the VRS/SSB form, but it is very important that the placement plan form clearly identifies the roles and responsibilities for all team members.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. False. Several important tasks happen during the Placement Plan Meeting. This is the first meeting with all the core team members (Job Seeker, Placement Professional, and VRS Counselor). While the placement plan is signed during the meeting, the meeting also provides a place for the VRS/SSB placement provider to establish rapport with the job seeker and have meaningful discussion regarding their job search. The meeting is about the job seeker and what all the members of the team need to do to help them achieve success.

Correct. Several important tasks happen during the Placement Plan Meeting. This is the first meeting with all the core team members (Job Seeker, Placement Professional, and VRS Counselor). While the placement plan is signed during the meeting, the meeting also provides a place for the VRS/SSB placement provider to establish rapport with the job seeker and have meaningful discussion regarding their job search. The meeting is about the job seeker and what all the members of the team need to do to help them achieve success.


Related resources

Use these tools to create a plan with the person and the VRS/SSB counselor:

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