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Work Toolkit:


E1MN training

VRS/SSB job placement providers

Promote business engagement and help the person find employment

Job placement providers build relationships with businesses and help people find and reach their work goals.

LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Read the following to build your knowledge about promoting business engagement and helping the person find employment.

Job placement providers:

  • develop relationships with local businesses and help manage customized opportunities, modifications and accommodations to ensure employment success.
  • identify and develop appropriate job opportunities and help people create or update resumes, learn logistic and interpersonal skills, complete job applications and pre-employment tests, prepare for job interviews, and draft cover and thank you letters.
  • help employers eliminate barriers to competitive integrated employment and job advancement.

1. Read about the find phase in the “Supporting people on waivers” section of this toolkit (20 min)

2. Watch the VRS training video below about placement and follow up services. Discussion about helping the person find employment begins at 14:08 in the video, but you are encouraged to watch the entire video if you haven't already. See the end of the video (42:46) for details about special circumstances.

VRS training video: Placement and followup services

REFLECT: Take a quiz

Click on the questions below to reflect on what you've learned about promoting business engagement and helping the person find employment (5 minutes).

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. At least weekly. All placement professionals are expected to attempt at least weekly communication with the job seeker.

Correct. All placement professionals are expected to attempt at least weekly communication with the job seeker.

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. At least weekly. All placement professionals are expected to attempt at least weekly communication with the job seeker.

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. At least weekly. All placement professionals are expected to attempt at least weekly communication with the job seeker.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. Monthly. Monthly progress reports are required and continue throughout the entire placement and retention service process.

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. Monthly. Monthly progress reports are required and continue throughout the entire placement and retention service process.

Correct. Monthly progress reports are required and continue throughout the entire placement and retention service process.

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. Monthly. Monthly progress reports are required and continue throughout the entire placement and retention service process.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. All of the above. Job placement is the process of job searching and includes many activities, including all those listed here.

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. All of the above. Job placement is the process of job searching and includes many activities, including all those listed here.

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. All of the above. Job placement is the process of job searching and includes many activities, including all those listed here.

Correct. Job placement is the process of job searching and includes many activities, including all those listed here.

Select an answer:

Incorrect–the correct answer is False. The job search should be customized to each job seeker, depending on their skills, interests, and conditions.

Correct. The job search should be customized to each job seeker, depending on their skills, interests, and conditions.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. Every 60 days. All core team members meet face-to-face every 60 days until the job seeker has obtained employment and worked their first shift.

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. Every 60 days. All core team members meet face-to-face every 60 days until the job seeker has obtained employment and worked their first shift.

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. Every 60 days. All core team members meet face-to-face every 60 days until the job seeker has obtained employment and worked their first shift.

CorrectAll core team members meet face-to-face every 60 days until the job seeker has obtained employment and worked their first shift.


Related resources

Use these tools to promote business engagement and help the person find employment:

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