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Work Toolkit:


E1MN training

VRS staff

Coordinate employment services

Vocational rehabilitation staff coordinate a variety of employment services when assisting a person on a waiver find employment.

VRS staff authorize services, help the person understand provider options, connect the person to the chosen VRS/SSB employment service provider, and then plan for transition to ongoing supports with stable employment.

LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Watch and read the following to build your knowledge about coordinating employment services.

1. Watch the “Coordinate employment services” video (10 minutes) below:

Coordinate employment services

2. Read: Working with VRS/SSB on the “Plan” page of this toolkit (5 min)

3. Read about the find phase in the “Supporting people on waivers” section of this toolkit (20 min)

REFLECT: Take a quiz

Click on the questions below to reflect on what you've learned about coordinating employment services (5 minutes).

Select an answer:

Correct. The VRS/SSB waiver liaison is a new role created to make it easier for wavier employment service providers and waiver case managers to connect with VRS/SSB.

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. VRS/SSB waiver liaison. The VRS/SSB waiver liaison is a new role created to make it easier for wavier employment service providers and waiver case managers to connect with VRS/SSB.

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. VRS/SSB waiver liaison. The VRS/SSB waiver liaison is a new role created to make it easier for wavier employment service providers and waiver case managers to connect with VRS/SSB.

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. VRS/SSB waiver liaison. The VRS/SSB waiver liaison is a new role created to make it easier for wavier employment service providers and waiver case managers to connect with VRS/SSB.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. Dually enrolled providers can provide both waiver employment and VRS/SSB services. It’s important to help people understand their provider options and make an informed choice about which provider is best for them. You can find a list of dually-enrolled providers at

Correct. Dually enrolled providers can provide both waiver employment and VRS/SSB services. It’s important to help people understand their provider options and make an informed choice about which provider is best for them. You can find a list of dually-enrolled providers at

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. Dually enrolled providers can provide both waiver employment and VRS/SSB services. It’s important to help people understand their provider options and make an informed choice about which provider is best for them. You can find a list of dually-enrolled providers at

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. Dually enrolled providers can provide both waiver employment and VRS/SSB services. It’s important to help people understand their provider options and make an informed choice about which provider is best for them. You can find a list of dually-enrolled providers at

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer B. My Vault. Confirming waiver supports during initial VRS/SSB employment planning will ensure a seamless transition after the person gets a job. To confirm access to long-term funding for employment supports, VRS/SSB counselors can help the person get a Benefits Lookup in their My Vault account (or, with a signed release, do it on their behalf).

Correct. Confirming waiver supports during initial VRS/SSB employment planning will ensure a seamless transition after the person gets a job. To confirm access to long-term funding for employment supports, VRS/SSB counselors can help the person get a Benefits Lookup in their My Vault account (or, with a signed release, do it on their behalf).

Incorrect—the correct answer B. My Vault. Confirming waiver supports during initial VRS/SSB employment planning will ensure a seamless transition after the person gets a job. To confirm access to long-term funding for employment supports, VRS/SSB counselors can help the person get a Benefits Lookup in their My Vault account (or, with a signed release, do it on their behalf).

Incorrect—the correct answer B. My Vault. Confirming waiver supports during initial VRS/SSB employment planning will ensure a seamless transition after the person gets a job. To confirm access to long-term funding for employment supports, VRS/SSB counselors can help the person get a Benefits Lookup in their My Vault account (or, with a signed release, do it on their behalf).

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. All of the above. As soon as the person gets a job, it is important for the VRS/SSB counselor to let the waiver case manager know the following details: the job title, the hourly wage, the average weekly hours, hire and start dates, and name of business. This list can be found on the “Find” page of Disability Hub MN's Work toolkit.

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. All of the above. As soon as the person gets a job, it is important for the VRS/SSB counselor to let the waiver case manager know the following details: the job title, the hourly wage, the average weekly hours, hire and start dates, and name of business. This list can be found on the “Find” page of Disability Hub MN's Work toolkit.

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. All of the above. As soon as the person gets a job, it is important for the VRS/SSB counselor to let the waiver case manager know the following details: the job title, the hourly wage, the average weekly hours, hire and start dates, and name of business. This list can be found on the “Find” page of Disability Hub MN's Work toolkit.

Correct. As soon as the person gets a job, it is important for the VRS/SSB counselor to let the waiver case manager know the following details: the job title, the hourly wage, the average weekly hours, hire and start dates, and name of business. This list can be found on the “Find” page of Disability Hub MN's Work toolkit.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. Stability date. The VRS/SSB counselor must let the waiver case manager know when the person has become stable in their new job. A person’s stability date typically happens when the person is satisfied with the job, the employer is satisfied with the person's performance at work, and the person has adequate employment supports in place to ensure continued employment stability. By the time the person becomes stable in their new job, the waiver case manager should have the waiver employment support services ready to be authorized and provided.

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. Stability date. The VRS/SSB counselor must let the waiver case manager know when the person has become stable in their new job. A person’s stability date typically happens when the person is satisfied with the job, the employer is satisfied with the person's performance at work, and the person has adequate employment supports in place to ensure continued employment stability. By the time the person becomes stable in their new job, the waiver case manager should have the waiver employment support services ready to be authorized and provided.

Correct. The VRS/SSB counselor must let the waiver case manager know when the person has become stable in their new job. A person’s stability date typically happens when the person is satisfied with the job, the employer is satisfied with the person's performance at work, and the person has adequate employment supports in place to ensure continued employment stability. By the time the person becomes stable in their new job, the waiver case manager should have the waiver employment support services ready to be authorized and provided.

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. Stability date. The VRS/SSB counselor must let the waiver case manager know when the person has become stable in their new job. A person’s stability date typically happens when the person is satisfied with the job, the employer is satisfied with the person's performance at work, and the person has adequate employment supports in place to ensure continued employment stability. By the time the person becomes stable in their new job, the waiver case manager should have the waiver employment support services ready to be authorized and provided.

DO: Practice

Complete the following activities to build your skills coordinating employment services.

Explore Disability Hub MN's Work Toolkit on this “Work Toolkit scavenger hunt” (PDF).

(10 minutes)

Follow the instructions below to find potential dually-enrolled providers.

Step 1: Go to Disability Hub MN's Work toolkit—Supporting people on waivers—Find: Selecting a service provider

Step 2: Use to locate dually-enrolled employment service providers using the following details in the search fields:

  • In "What are you looking for?" enter: Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Community Partner
  • In "Where" enter: 55808
  • In "Filter results by distance" choose: Within 20 miles of my location

How many potential service providers did you find?

(5 minutes)

VRS/SSB staff will use a Benefits Lookup to confirm waiver long-term employment support services. VRS/SSB staff should help a person get a Benefits Lookup through the person’s My Vault account.

Complete the following activities to build your skills helping a person get a Benefits Lookup:

  • Step 1: Watch the “My Vault: Benefits Planning path” video below to learn about the steps for completing the Benefits Lookup activity. Details on the Benefits Lookup activity begin at 1:05 in the video, but you are encouraged to watch the entire 4:18 video to learn about all the benefits planning activities in My Vault.
My Vault: Benefits Planning Path


Use this “Coordinate services with the waiver case manager” worksheet (PDF) to identify services you will need to coordinate with the waiver case manager.

(5 minutes)

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