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Work Toolkit:


E1MN training

Case managers

Coordinate services

A person enrolled on a waiver will often use a variety of services and supports to get and keep employment.

Case managers ensure that a person's other services—such as transportation or day services—are coordinated with their employment goals and services.

LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Watch and read the following to build your knowledge about coordinating services.

1. Watch the “Coordinating services” video (12 minutes) below:

Coordinating services

2. Read: Working with VRS/SSB in the “Supporting people on waivers” area of this toolkit (15 min)

3. Read: CBSM – Briefcase resource document: Transportation and day and employment services (15 min)

REFLECT: Take a quiz

Click on the questions below to reflect on what you've learned about coordinating services (5 minutes).

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is All of the above. Coordinating services is a core responsibility of a case manager. When it comes to employment, case managers need to be prepared to help a person coordinate transportation services so they can get to and from their new job, day services when they have a new work schedule, and VRS/SSB services when they are ready to start or close out those services. These are just a few examples. Case managers need to be prepared to coordinate a number of services to support employment.

Incorrect—the correct answer is All of the above. Coordinating services is a core responsibility of a case manager. When it comes to employment, case managers need to be prepared to help a person coordinate transportation services so they can get to and from their new job, day services when they have a new work schedule, and VRS/SSB services when they are ready to start or close out those services. These are just a few examples. Case managers need to be prepared to coordinate a number of services to support employment.

Incorrect—the correct answer is All of the above. Coordinating services is a core responsibility of a case manager. When it comes to employment, case managers need to be prepared to help a person coordinate transportation services so they can get to and from their new job, day services when they have a new work schedule, and VRS/SSB services when they are ready to start or close out those services. These are just a few examples. Case managers need to be prepared to coordinate a number of services to support employment.

Correct! Coordinating services is a core responsibility of a case manager. When it comes to employment, case managers need to be prepared to help a person coordinate transportation services so they can get to and from their new job, day services when they have a new work schedule, and VRS/SSB services when they are ready to start or close out those services. These are just a few examples. Case managers need to be prepared to coordinate a number of services to support employment.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is B: Supporting people on waivers > The Engage Plan Find Keep framework > Find. The Find page has an overview of VRS/SSB services that you can use to explain VRS/SSB services.

Correct! The Find page under “Supporting people on waivers > The Engage Plan Find Keep framework” has an overview of VRS/SSB services that you can use to explain VRS/SSB services.

Incorrect—the correct answer is B: Supporting people on waivers > The Engage Plan Find Keep framework > Find. The Find page has an overview of VRS/SSB services that you can use to explain VRS/SSB services.

Incorrect—the correct answer is B: Supporting people on waivers > The Engage Plan Find Keep framework > Find. The Find page has an overview of VRS/SSB services that you can use to explain VRS/SSB services.

Select an answer:

Correct! The details about authorizing transportation for employment services is in the CBSM—Briefcase resource document: Transportation and day and employment services.

Incorrect—the correct answer is T2003 UC. The details about authorizing transportation for employment services is in the CBSM—Briefcase resource document: Transportation and day and employment services.

Incorrect—the correct answer is T2003 UC. The details about authorizing transportation for employment services is in the CBSM—Briefcase resource document: Transportation and day and employment services.

Incorrect—the correct answer is T2003 UC. The details about authorizing transportation for employment services is in the CBSM—Briefcase resource document: Transportation and day and employment services.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is Plan. As the person approaches the end of the plan phase, case managers should be prepared to refer the person to VRS/SSB if they would like help finding employment. During the find phase, VRS/SSB takes the lead in providing services.

Correct! As the person approaches the end of the plan phase, case managers should be prepared to refer the person to VRS/SSB if they would like help finding employment. During the find phase, VRS/SSB takes the lead in providing services.

Incorrect—the correct answer is Plan. As the person approaches the end of the plan phase, case managers should be prepared to refer the person to VRS/SSB if they would like help finding employment. During the find phase, VRS/SSB takes the lead in providing services.

Incorrect—the correct answer is Plan. As the person approaches the end of the plan phase, case managers should be prepared to refer the person to VRS/SSB if they would like help finding employment. During the find phase, VRS/SSB takes the lead in providing services.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is B: Supporting people on waivers > The Engage Plan Find Keep framework > Find. The VRS/SSB Liaison contact list is also available on the plan page.

Correct. You can find the VRS/SSB Liaison contact list on the find page in the “Supporting people on waivers > The Engage Plan Find Keep framework” area of the Work toolkit. This information is also available on the plan page.

Incorrect—the correct answer is B: Supporting people on waivers > The Engage Plan Find Keep framework > Find. The VRS/SSB Liaison contact list is also available on the plan page.

Incorrect—the correct answer is B: Supporting people on waivers > The Engage Plan Find Keep framework > Find. The VRS/SSB Liaison contact list is also available on the plan page.

DO: Practice

Complete the following activities to build your skills for coordinating services.

Use this “Identify supports” worksheet (PDF) to think about and record supports that could address the need shared in three scenarios.

(15 minutes)

Use this “Referring to VRS/SSB” worksheet (PDF) to answer questions a person might have about the VRS/SSB referral process.

(15 minutes)

Complete the steps below to practice helping a person get referred to VRS/SSB. (20 minutes)


Jane's scenario
You recently became Jane Fake’s case manager. She recently moved from Florida to Minnesota to live with her sister. She spent the last five years working as a physical therapy assistant, which she loved doing. She would like help getting a similar job. She does not want waiver employment development services, instead she would like your help getting connected with VRS/SSB services so she can get help finding a job as soon as possible.

1. Locate the Common Referral Form on “The Engage Plan Find Keep framework” page of the Work toolkit.

2. Using the following information, complete the Common Referral Form:

  • Jane Fake lives at 123 Fake Street, Fake Town, MN, 11111.
  • Her phone number is 123-456-7890 and her email is
  • She does not have a guardian and is enrolled in the DD waiver.
  • She is not in school and is not working with an employment service provider.
  • Jane has a resume.
  • You helped her set up her My Vault account, and you help her add you and her sister as Work Team Contacts, and request a Benefits Look up.
  • She would like help understanding how work will affect her new set of benefits in Minnesota.
  • In Florida, she had an employment provider help her find a job, and she expects she’ll need that help in Minnesota.
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