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Work Toolkit:


E1MN training

Waiver employment service providers

Provide services to plan or search for employment

When providing waiver employment development services in the plan phase, employment service providers set up and facilitate activities and work experiences, help the person develop preliminary employment goals (which can be refined as the job search begins), and help the person upload the information to My Vault and share with other team members as desired.

Employment service providers also help a person transition to the next phase of employment, which may include applying for VRS/SSB or other job search supports, contacting offices, completing applications, and providing other support while eligibility and priority of service determinations are made.

LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Watch and read the following to build your knowledge about providing services to plan or search for employment.

1. Watch the “Provide services to plan or search for employment” video (8 minutes) below:

Provide services to plan or search for employment

2. Read about the plan phase in the “Supporting people on waivers” section of this toolkit (15 min)

3. Read: “Understanding the VRS/SSB service” and “Referring directly to VRS/SSB” as a part of the information about the find phase in this toolkit (5 min)

4. Read: CBSM – Guidance for employment services authorization (15 min)

5. Read: CBSM – Employment development services (15 min)

REFLECT: Take a quiz

Click on the questions below to reflect on what you've learned about providing services to plan or search for employment (5 minutes).

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is false. Waiver employment development services are most commonly used during the plan phase to help a person plan for employment. In rare situations, waiver employment development services may be used in the find phase to help a person search for work.

Correct! Waiver employment development services are most commonly used during the plan phase to help a person plan for employment. In rare situations, waiver employment development services may be used in the find phase to help a person search for work.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. Plan. When you receive authorization from a waiver case manager to provide employment development services in the plan phase, you should begin by explaining the service activities and outcomes to the person. You can use the information in the Work Toolkit, under Supporting people on waivers, in the Plan section to explain those details.

Correct! When you receive authorization from a waiver case manager to provide employment development services in the plan phase, you should begin by explaining the service activities and outcomes to the person. You can use the information in the Work Toolkit, under Supporting people on waivers, in the Plan section to explain those details.

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. Plan. When you receive authorization from a waiver case manager to provide employment development services in the plan phase, you should begin by explaining the service activities and outcomes to the person. You can use the information in the Work Toolkit, under Supporting people on waivers, in the Plan section to explain those details.

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. Plan. When you receive authorization from a waiver case manager to provide employment development services in the plan phase, you should begin by explaining the service activities and outcomes to the person. You can use the information in the Work Toolkit, under Supporting people on waivers, in the Plan section to explain those details.

Select an answer:

Correct! As you prepare to deliver plan phase supports, become familiar with how to create an employment portfolio and use the Positive Summary tool, which capture what people learn during the plan phase. My Vault also has tools you and the person can use to create and share an employment portfolio and Positive Summary.

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. Positive summary and employment portfolio. As you prepare to deliver plan phase supports, become familiar with how to create an employment portfolio and use the Positive Summary tool, which capture what people learn during the plan phase. My Vault also has tools you and the person can use to create and share an employment portfolio and Positive Summary.

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. Positive summary and employment portfolio. As you prepare to deliver plan phase supports, become familiar with how to create an employment portfolio and use the Positive Summary tool, which capture what people learn during the plan phase. My Vault also has tools you and the person can use to create and share an employment portfolio and Positive Summary.

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. Positive summary and employment portfolio. As you prepare to deliver plan phase supports, become familiar with how to create an employment portfolio and use the Positive Summary tool, which capture what people learn during the plan phase. My Vault also has tools you and the person can use to create and share an employment portfolio and Positive Summary.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. Professional resources. In the Work toolkit, under Professional resources, you will find a number of helpful guides and training opportunities that you can use to build your knowledge in providing activities and experiences to plan for employment.

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. Professional resources. In the Work toolkit, under Professional resources, you will find a number of helpful guides and training opportunities that you can use to build your knowledge in providing activities and experiences to plan for employment.

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. Professional resources. In the Work toolkit, under Professional resources, you will find a number of helpful guides and training opportunities that you can use to build your knowledge in providing activities and experiences to plan for employment.

Correct! In the Work toolkit, under Professional resources, you will find a number of helpful guides and training opportunities that you can use to build your knowledge in providing activities and experiences to plan for employment.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. Because determining eligibility and priority for VRS/SSB services takes time, you should help the person apply for VRS/SSB services at least 30 days before you think the person will want to start their job search. This helps ensure a smooth and timely transition.

Correct! Because determining eligibility and priority for VRS/SSB services takes time, you should help the person apply for VRS/SSB services at least 30 days before you think the person will want to start their job search. This helps ensure a smooth and timely transition.

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. Because determining eligibility and priority for VRS/SSB services takes time, you should help the person apply for VRS/SSB services at least 30 days before you think the person will want to start their job search. This helps ensure a smooth and timely transition.

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. Because determining eligibility and priority for VRS/SSB services takes time, you should help the person apply for VRS/SSB services at least 30 days before you think the person will want to start their job search. This helps ensure a smooth and timely transition.

DO: Practice

Complete the following activities to build your skills for collaborating with others.

Use this “Identify meaningful development activities and experiences” worksheet (PDF) to do just that based on two scenarios.

(15 minutes)

Use this “Referring to VRS/SSB” worksheet (PDF) to answer questions about the process for getting a person connected to VRS/SSB services.

(15 minutes)

Complete the steps below to practice helping a person get referred to VRS/SSB. (20 minutes)


Jane's scenario
You have been providing waiver employment development services for Jane Fake. She recently moved from Florida to Minnesota to live with her sister. She spent the last five years working as a physical therapy assistant, which she loved doing. After doing several activities and experiences that you set up and facilitated, she decided she would like help getting another physical therapy assistant job.

1. Locate the Common Referral Form on “The Engage Plan Find Keep framework” page of the Work toolkit.

2. Using the following information, complete the Common Referral Form:

  • You are making the referral.
  • Jane Fake lives at 123 Fake Street, Fake Town, MN, 11111.
  • Her phone number is 123-456-7890 and her email is
  • She does not have a guardian and is enrolled in the DD waiver.
  • Jane's waiver case manager is Sara Fake. Sara's address is 234 Fake Street, Fake Town, MN 11111. Her email is and her phone number is 222-333-4444.
  • Jane is not in school and is not currently working with VRS/SSB.
  • You are Jane's employment service provider.
  • Jane has a resume.
  • You helped her set up her My Vault account, and you helped her add you and her sister as Work Team contacts, and request a Benefits Lookup.
  • She would like help understanding how work will affect her new set of benefits in Minnesota.
  • In Florida, she had an employment provider help her find a job, and she expects she’ll need that help in Minnesota.

Related resources

Use these tools to help provide services to plan or search for employment:

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