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Work Toolkit:


The Engage Plan Find Keep framework


People in the keep phase are working in competitive integrated employment and may need supports to be successful at work.

A graphic of the Engage, Plan, Find, Keep process with the word Keep highlighted

Understanding the waiver service

Waiver employment support services help people maintain paid employment in community settings. For a complete list of covered services, limitations and more, see the community-based services manual.

The expected outcome of waiver employment support services is that people are supported, able to maintain, and be successful in competitive integrated employment.

Waiver employment support services help the person be successful in their job. Based on the person's needs, employment support service activities may include things like:

  • Job coaching
  • Training or coaching to strengthen work or self-care skills
  • Benefits planning
  • Help developing and strengthening natural work supports and coworker relationships

For a complete list of covered services, see the community-based services manual.

Transitioning from find phase to keep phase

When a person starts looking for a job, it's important to identify the need for ongoing supports. Any long-term supports must be in place when the person is stable in employment and initial supports provided through VRS/SSB end.

If the person is working with VRS/SSB, the VRS/SSB counselor, VRS/SSB employment provider and waiver case manager must work together to ensure a seamless transition to long-term support services through the waiver — especially if a new provider will be joining the team. The E1MN common referral form (PDF) can support the transition.

It's also helpful for case managers to begin the authorization process quickly upon job hire. This will ensure waiver services are available once the VRS/SSB counselor and the person determine they're stable in the job and ready to transition to long-term supports through the waiver. For details, review the find section on transitioning to waiver long-term employment supports.

To authorize employment support services, the waiver case manager will need:

  • Job title
  • Hourly wage
  • Average weekly hours worked
  • Hire and start dates
  • Name of business

Strategies for keeping employment

As a person starts working, it's important to continue to support them in moving forward.

  • Make sure the person is getting the supports they need to maintain their job.
  • Continue having conversations about employment, including their current work situation.
  • Ask what the person likes or doesn't like about their job, and explore opportunities for advancement.
  • Consider how to help the person prepare for opportunities for advancement (such as a promotion or increased hours or pay).
  • Make sure their resume and profile are up-to-date so they can quickly respond to opportunities.
  • Help them understand what will happen to their benefits when they work or earn more money. Show them how to address benefit concerns at Disability Benefits 101.

As someone gets to know their job and becomes more comfortable and skilled at work, they may be able to reduce formal supports.

Gradually reducing supports (such as job coaching) can boost a person's independence and promote inclusion at work.

Make sure you continue to explore how informal supports (such as help from coworkers) might be able to replace formal services.

Re-engaging VRS/SSB

If a person is working (keep phase) and wants to look for a different job, advance in their current position or loses their job, they can reconnect with VRS/SSB for help. Waiver case managers and employment service providers can use the E1MN common referral form (PDF) to help with the transition.

Sharing success

Are you supporting someone who's working at a terrific job? Have you had great collaboration with your local partners? We want to hear about it! Share success stores through the E1MN request form. Click share a success story under what best describes your inquiry. Your story will be shared with the E1MN interagency team, who may follow up to learn more or share the story with others around the state.

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