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Work Toolkit:


E1MN training

Case managers

Monitor waiver employment services

Case managers meet with the person at least twice a year (or more often as needed) to monitor waiver services and review the person's needs and progress toward employment goals.

As the person chooses, these meetings may include other employment support team members, like VRS/SSB or employment service providers. For example, a VRS counselor may be invited to participate in a meeting regarding changes in the person's living situation (such as moving to a new house) to make sure employment services are aligned with the change.

LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Watch and read the following to build your knowledge about monitoring waiver employment services.

1. Watch the “Monitoring services” video (16 minutes) below:

Monitoring services

2. Read: CBSM – Employment exploration services (5 min)

3. Read: CBSM – Employment development services (5 min)

4. Read: CBSM – Employment support services (5 min)

5. Read: Understanding the waiver service in the “Plan” page of this toolkit (5 min)

6. Watch the “My Vault: Work Path” video in the “How to use My Vault to help people plan for work, benefits and housing” section of the “How to use My Vault to support people” page (8 min)

6. Read: Building the employment portfolio in the “Plan” page of this toolkit (5 min)

7. Read about tools to help a person build their vision for a good job and identify resources and supports in the Person-centered discovery area of the “Hands-on tools” page of this toolkit (5 min)

REFLECT #1: Take a quiz about employment exploration services

Click on the questions below to reflect on what you've learned about monitoring waiver employment exploration services (5 minutes).

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is 12 months. The CBSM explains that employment exploration services are time-limited and should end after a maximum of 12 months following the initial authorization of the services.

Incorrect—the correct answer is 12 months. The CBSM explains that employment exploration services are time-limited and should end after a maximum of 12 months following the initial authorization of the services.

Correct! The CBSM explains that employment exploration services are time-limited and should end after a maximum of 12 months following the initial authorization of the services.

Incorrect—the correct answer is 12 months. The CBSM explains that employment exploration services are time-limited and should end after a maximum of 12 months following the initial authorization of the services.

Select an answer:

Correct! The CBSM clarifies that the lead agency can reauthorize employment exploration services when the person:

  • Has not made an informed decision about competitive, integrated employment,
  • Experiences a debilitating health condition or life event that significantly interrupts service delivery, or
  • Changes service provider,

But NOT if the service provider had staffing turnover and requires more time.

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. The CBSM clarifies that the lead agency can reauthorize employment exploration services when the person:

  • Has not made an informed decision about competitive, integrated employment,
  • Experiences a debilitating health condition or life event that significantly interrupts service delivery, or
  • Changes service provider,

But NOT if the service provider had staffing turnover and requires more time.

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. The CBSM clarifies that the lead agency can reauthorize employment exploration services when the person:

  • Has not made an informed decision about competitive, integrated employment,
  • Experiences a debilitating health condition or life event that significantly interrupts service delivery, or
  • Changes service provider,

But NOT if the service provider had staffing turnover and requires more time.

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. The CBSM clarifies that the lead agency can reauthorize employment exploration services when the person:

  • Has not made an informed decision about competitive, integrated employment,
  • Experiences a debilitating health condition or life event that significantly interrupts service delivery, or
  • Changes service provider,

But NOT if the service provider had staffing turnover and requires more time.

Select an answer:

Correct! By the end of the engage phase, the person makes an informed choice about competitive integrated employment. To make informed choices people need to have their questions and concerns addressed. Waiver employment exploration services can help people get the information and answers they need and can help them participate in different experiences.

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. By the end of the engage phase, the person makes an informed choice about competitive integrated employment. To make informed choices people need to have their questions and concerns addressed. Waiver employment exploration services can help people get the information and answers they need and can help them participate in different experiences.

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. By the end of the engage phase, the person makes an informed choice about competitive integrated employment. To make informed choices people need to have their questions and concerns addressed. Waiver employment exploration services can help people get the information and answers they need and can help them participate in different experiences.

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. By the end of the engage phase, the person makes an informed choice about competitive integrated employment. To make informed choices people need to have their questions and concerns addressed. Waiver employment exploration services can help people get the information and answers they need and can help them participate in different experiences.

Select an answer:

Incorrect. Some people might go right from engage to find; once they learn about employment, they might be ready to find a job. If that’s the case, you should talk with the person about accessing VRS/SSB services, rather than waiver employment development services.

Correct. Some people might go right from engage to find; once they learn about employment, they might be ready to find a job. If that’s the case, you should talk with the person about accessing VRS/SSB services, rather than waiver employment development services.

REFLECT #2: Take a quiz about employment development services

Click on the questions below to reflect on what you've learned about monitoring waiver employment development services (5 minutes).

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is 120 days. The CBSM explains employment development services are time-limited. Plan phase employment development services should not exceed 120 days.

Incorrect—the correct answer is 120 days. The CBSM explains employment development services are time-limited. Plan phase employment development services should not exceed 120 days.

Incorrect—the correct answer is 120 days. The CBSM explains employment development services are time-limited. Plan phase employment development services should not exceed 120 days.

Correct. The CBSM explains employment development services are time-limited. Plan phase employment development services should not exceed 120 days.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. All of the above. The CBSM clarifies that the lead agency can reauthorize employment development services when the person:

  • Has a verifiable change in employment (e.g., lost their employment, faces reduced hours or wants to seek other employment opportunities),
  • Experiences a debilitating health condition or life event that significantly interrupts service delivery,
  • Changes service providers, or
  • Has submitted an application to VRS/SSB and is waiting on a determination of eligibility/priority for up to 60 days (only applies to the plan phase).

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. All of the above. The CBSM clarifies that the lead agency can reauthorize employment development services when the person:

  • Has a verifiable change in employment (e.g., lost their employment, faces reduced hours or wants to seek other employment opportunities),
  • Experiences a debilitating health condition or life event that significantly interrupts service delivery,
  • Changes service providers, or
  • Has submitted an application to VRS/SSB and is waiting on a determination of eligibility/priority for up to 60 days (only applies to the plan phase).

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. All of the above. The CBSM clarifies that the lead agency can reauthorize employment development services when the person:

  • Has a verifiable change in employment (e.g., lost their employment, faces reduced hours or wants to seek other employment opportunities),
  • Experiences a debilitating health condition or life event that significantly interrupts service delivery,
  • Changes service providers, or
  • Has submitted an application to VRS/SSB and is waiting on a determination of eligibility/priority for up to 60 days (only applies to the plan phase).

Correct! The CBSM clarifies that the lead agency can reauthorize employment development services when the person:

  • Has a verifiable change in employment (e.g., lost their employment, faces reduced hours or wants to seek other employment opportunities),
  • Experiences a debilitating health condition or life event that significantly interrupts service delivery,
  • Changes service providers, or
  • Has submitted an application to VRS/SSB and is waiting on a determination of eligibility/priority for up to 60 days (only applies to the plan phase).

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. Getting a job offer is not an expected outcome of the plan phase. The CBSM provides a list of expected outcomes for employment development services during the plan phase, which include:

  • The person defines overall work goals,
  • The person knows how work and benefits can go together,
  • The person is set up for success in the find phase with resources to help them reach their work goal, including a positive summary and portfolio that informs the job search.

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. Getting a job offer is not an expected outcome of the plan phase. The CBSM provides a list of expected outcomes for employment development services during the plan phase, which include:

  • The person defines overall work goals,
  • The person knows how work and benefits can go together,
  • The person is set up for success in the find phase with resources to help them reach their work goal, including a positive summary and portfolio that informs the job search.

Correct! Getting a job offer is not an expected outcome of the plan phase. The CBSM provides a list of expected outcomes for employment development services during the plan phase, which include:

  • The person defines overall work goals,
  • The person knows how work and benefits can go together,
  • The person is set up for success in the find phase with resources to help them reach their work goal, including a positive summary and portfolio that informs the job search.

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. Getting a job offer is not an expected outcome of the plan phase. The CBSM provides a list of expected outcomes for employment development services during the plan phase, which include:

  • The person defines overall work goals,
  • The person knows how work and benefits can go together,
  • The person is set up for success in the find phase with resources to help them reach their work goal, including a positive summary and portfolio that informs the job search.

Select an answer:

Correct! If the person has an employment portfolio and tells you they are ready to find work, it means they are read to transition to the find phase.

Incorrect—the correct answer is true. If the person has an employment portfolio and tells you they are ready to find work, it means they are read to transition to the find phase.

REFLECT #3: Take a quiz about employment support services

Click on the questions below to reflect on what you've learned about monitoring waiver employment support services (5 minutes).

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. When you read the CBSM employment support services page you’ll find there is no time limit for this service.

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. When you read the CBSM employment support services page you’ll find there is no time limit for this service.

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. When you read the CBSM employment support services page you’ll find there is no time limit for this service.

Correct! When you read the CBSM employment support services page you’ll find there is no time limit for this service.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. The expected outcome of waiver employment support services is that people are supported, able to maintain, and be successful in competitive, integrated employment.

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. The expected outcome of waiver employment support services is that people are supported, able to maintain, and be successful in competitive, integrated employment.

Incorrect—the correct answer is D. The expected outcome of waiver employment support services is that people are supported, able to maintain, and be successful in competitive, integrated employment.

Correct! The expected outcome of waiver employment support services is that people are supported, able to maintain, and be successful in competitive, integrated employment.

Select an answer:

Correct! The CBSM employment supports services page notes that job-related counseling and support, including help understanding earned wages and impact on benefits, is a covered service.

Incorrect—the correct answer is yes. The CBSM employment supports services page notes that job-related counseling and support, including help understanding earned wages and impact on benefits, is a covered service.

Select an answer:

Correct! The CBSM employment supports services page notes that training for help with effective day-to-day operations of all aspects of the business, including bookkeeping, is a covered service.

Incorrect—the correct answer is yes. The CBSM employment supports services page notes that training for help with effective day-to-day operations of all aspects of the business, including bookkeeping, is a covered service.

DO: Practice

Complete the following activities to build your skills for coordinating services.

Use this “Progress notes review” worksheet (PDF) to determine if services are being provided to expectation in three scenarios.

(10 minutes)

Use this “45-day notes” worksheet (PDF) to determine if the person's needs are being met in three scenarios, and if not, what other options might be.

(10 minutes)

Use this “Person-centered discovery tools” worksheet (PDF) to become familiar with several tools in the “Hands-on tools” section of this toolkit.

(10 minutes)

The positive summary is an important tool that informs the job search. The tool is also an expected outcome of waiver employment development services. Case managers need to review a person’s positive summary to make sure it meets expectations and to support the person in making decisions about employment during job search.

Complete the following steps to build your understanding of the positive summary.

1. Watch the positive summary training (11:04) below.

Positive Summary Training


2. Complete the “Positive summary" worksheet (PDF)

Use this “Identifying transition points” worksheet (PDF) to determine the transition points in three different scenarios.

(5 minutes)

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