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Benefits Planning Toolkit:


Resources and tools

Disability Hub MN and Disability Benefits 101 are prime resources to help you and the people you support plan for work and benefits. Here are quick links to key resources and tools.

  • Consent for Release of Information - SSA 3288: Release of information required to get a Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) from the Social Security Administration (SSA) and needed to speak to Social Security on behalf of someone.
  • Request for Social Security Statement - SSA 7004: Formal request an individual can make on behalf of themselves to get their Social Security Statement. You, as a Benefit Coach, cannot request this for the person you are working with. This would be used if you are unable to verify wages another way.

The Hub is a free statewide resource network that helps people with disabilities and the professionals who support them, understand options, discover solutions, navigate the system and plan for the future.

A staff of experts
In addition to the trainings and benefits coach certification available in this toolkit, the Hub has trained benefits experts statewide who can help people understand how work and benefits work together. Contact us for answers to specific benefits questions or to learn about helpful tools and resources.

Benefits planning learning community
Join the Hub's benefits planning learning community to stay engaged, learn from others, and get regular updates on policies and practices.

Disability Benefits 101, or DB101, offers a quick, easy and safe way to learn how work and benefits can go together to increase income and plan for the future. Whether the people you support are considering work for the first time, returning to work, changing jobs or expecting a raise, you can use DB101 to:

  • Learn more about work incentives, benefits and resources
  • See what other benefits might be an option
  • Explore work
  • See how benefits and income might change with a job
  • Set work goals and plan next steps
  • Plan for changes at work

For a comprehensive orientation to DB101, see the level 2 training.


What is DB101?
DB101 is a benefits and work-planning website that offers a quick, easy, safe way to learn how work and benefits can go together to increase income. It's free and private. Using DB101 doesn't affect a person's benefits.

Who should use DB101?
DB101 is designed for Minnesotans with disabilities ages 13 to 64 and their families, caregivers and service providers.

What can DB101 do for someone?
DB101 gives people the tools, facts and resources needed to safely explore their options, plan for the future and reach their goals. DB101 offers:

  • Facts on benefit and work incentive programs
  • Tools for setting work goals and managing benefits
  • Stories that show how to balance benefits and work
  • Answers to frequently asked questions
  • A "talk to an expert" feature
  • Online tutorials, tip sheets and guides
  • Links to helpful resources

What if someone needs help while using DB101?
DB101's "Talk to an Expert" feature is available by live chat, phone or email.

When would someone use DB101?
Whether someone is thinking about working for the first time, returning to work, changing jobs or expecting a raise, DB101 is the safe, private way to:

  • Learn more about work incentives, benefits and resources
  • Explore work as an option
  • See how benefits and income might change with a job
  • Set work goals and plan next steps
  • Prepare for job changes

If someone isn't interested in working, why would they use DB101?
Even if someone isn't ready to work today, DB101 offers information that can help the person:

  • Learn more about current benefits
  • See other potential benefits
  • Explore whether they might want to work someday
  • Plan for the right job at the right time

Disability Benefits 101 "try-it" tools are simple calculators that help people think about one benefit, or one aspect of a benefit, at a time. "Try-it" tools include:

Health coverage


Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA)

Housing support 



Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Benefits videos

What is SSI? »

Benefits videos

SSI and Work »

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

Benefits videos

What is SSDI? »

Benefits videos

SSDI Work Incentives »

Other benefits

For all professionals:

Benefits and Work Conversations in Action
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