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Work Toolkit:


E1MN training

VRS/SSB job placement providers

Collaborating with other professionals

During the job search process, job placement providers give monthly updates to the person’s VRS/SSB counselor. They may also participate in or provide information for IEP and/or other meetings.

Key points of collaboration for job placement providers include:

  • Helping the person use My Vault to store and share information and
  • Reviewing items shared through My Vault or by other employment team members.

LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Watch and read the following to build your knowledge about collaborating with other professionals.

1. Watch the “Collaborating with other professionals” video (4 minutes) below:

Collaborating with other professionals—VRS/SSB job placement providers


2. Read about working with waivers on the the “Find” page of this toolkit (10 min)

3. Watch the “Welcome to My Vault” video (4 min) below:

Welcome to My Vault

4. Watch the “My Vault: Files and contacts for professionals” video (8 min) below:

My Vault: Files and contacts for professionals

5. Read about “Using My Vault to support people” (15 min)

REFLECT: Take a quiz

Click on the questions below to reflect on what you've learned about collaborating with other professionals (5 minutes).

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. The VRS/SSB counselor. Throughout the find phase, a key to collaboration is providing the VRS/SSB counselor with regular updates. 

Correct. Throughout the find phase, a key to collaboration is providing the VRS/SSB counselor with regular updates. 

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. The VRS/SSB counselor. Throughout the find phase, a key to collaboration is providing the VRS/SSB counselor with regular updates.

Incorrect—the correct answer is B. The VRS/SSB counselor. Throughout the find phase, a key to collaboration is providing the VRS/SSB counselor with regular updates.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. Every 60 days. The VRS/SSB job placement provider meets every 60 days with the person, VRS/SSB counselor, and other people who are important to the person to check-in and collaborate. 

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. Every 60 days. The VRS/SSB job placement provider meets every 60 days with the person, VRS/SSB counselor, and other people who are important to the person to check-in and collaborate. 

Correct. The VRS/SSB job placement provider meets every 60 days with the person, VRS/SSB counselor, and other people who are important to the person to check-in and collaborate. 

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. Every 60 days. The VRS/SSB job placement provider meets every 60 days with the person, VRS/SSB counselor, and other people who are important to the person to check-in and collaborate. 

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is V. My Vault. You can use My Vault to upload and share important details with the person about their job so that they can easily share those details with their VRS/SSB counselor, waiver case manager, and waiver employment supports services provider (if long-term services needed). 

Incorrect—the correct answer is V. My Vault. You can use My Vault to upload and share important details with the person about their job so that they can easily share those details with their VRS/SSB counselor, waiver case manager, and waiver employment supports services provider (if long-term services needed). 

Correct. You can use My Vault to upload and share important details with the person about their job so that they can easily share those details with their VRS/SSB counselor, waiver case manager, and waiver employment supports services provider (if long-term services needed). 

Incorrect—the correct answer is V. My Vault. You can use My Vault to upload and share important details with the person about their job so that they can easily share those details with their VRS/SSB counselor, waiver case manager, and waiver employment supports services provider (if long-term services needed). 

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. The VRS/SSB counselorThe VRS/SSB counselor updates the waiver case manager to initiate long-term support funded by the waiver.

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. The VRS/SSB counselorThe VRS/SSB counselor updates the waiver case manager to initiate long-term support funded by the waiver.

Correct. The VRS/SSB counselor updates the waiver case manager to initiate long-term support funded by the waiver.

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. The VRS/SSB counselorThe VRS/SSB counselor updates the waiver case manager to initiate long-term support funded by the waiver.

Select an answer:

Correct. The final critical point of collaboration occurs when a person becomes stable in their new employment and needs to transition to long-term employment supports services, also known as Keep phase services. Your updates can help ensure that transition is timely and smooth.

Incorrect—the correct answer is True. The final critical point of collaboration occurs when a person becomes stable in their new employment and needs to transition to long-term employment supports services, also known as Keep phase services. Your updates can help ensure that transition is timely and smooth.

DO: Practice

Complete the following activities to build your skills collaborating with other professionals.

Complete the following activities to build your skills using My Vault:

1. If you have not created a My Vault account, go to “Using My Vault to support people” and follow the steps under “How to create a professional My Vault account”. Note you can also find a link to this page in the “Hands-on tools” page of the Work toolkit.

2. Add your supervisor as a contact to your My Vault account. Open “How to add contacts and share files” (PDF) and follow the steps to add your supervisor as a contact.

3. Share documentation of a job search activity with your supervisor to get comfortable with the steps for sharing files. Open “How to add contacts and share files” (PDF) and follow the steps for storing and sharing files.

4. Ask a co-worker or your supervisor to share a file with you from their My Vault account to your My Vault account.

If you have questions about setting up your My Vault account, adding or finding contacts, or how to add, share, or find files, ask your supervisor or contact Disability Hub MN at 1-866-333-2466 or through live chat or email.

(30 minutes)

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