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Work Toolkit:


E1MN training

Case managers

Collaborating with other professionals

Case managers coordinate the supports a person needs to be successful in all areas of life, including employment.

Key points of collaboration include reviewing items shared through My Vault or by other employment team members, engaging in the development and review of the VRS placement plan, reviewing regular updates from other team members, and helping the person complete and share their waiver support plan and service authorizations.

LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Watch and read the following to build your knowledge about collaborating with others.

1. Watch the “Collaborating with other professionals” video (7 minutes) below:

Collaborating with other professionals—Case managers

2. Read about the find phase in the “Supporting people on waivers” section of this toolkit (20 min)

3. Watch the “Welcome to My Vault” video (4 min) below:

Welcome to My Vault

4. Watch the “My Vault: Files and contacts for professionals” video (8 min) below:

My Vault: Files and contacts for professionals

5. Read about “Using My Vault to support people”

REFLECT: Take a quiz

Click on the questions below to reflect on what you've learned about monitoring waiver employment exploration services (5 minutes).

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is every 60 days. While the person is looking for a job, it's important for the VRS/SSB counselor, job placement service provider and waiver case manager to stay in touch. A check-in is recommended at least once every 60 days.

Correct! While the person is looking for a job, it's important for the VRS/SSB counselor, job placement service provider and waiver case manager to stay in touch. A check-in is recommended at least once every 60 days.

Incorrect—the correct answer is every 60 days. While the person is looking for a job, it's important for the VRS/SSB counselor, job placement service provider and waiver case manager to stay in touch. A check-in is recommended at least once every 60 days.

Incorrect—the correct answer is every 60 days. While the person is looking for a job, it's important for the VRS/SSB counselor, job placement service provider and waiver case manager to stay in touch. A check-in is recommended at least once every 60 days.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is stability date. The stability date is the date, determined by the VRS/SSB counselor and the person, that the person is satisfied with their job, the employer is satisfied with the person, and the person has adequate supports.

Correct! The stability date is the date, determined by the VRS/SSB counselor and the person, that the person is satisfied with their job, the employer is satisfied with the person, and the person has adequate supports.

Incorrect—the correct answer is stability date. The stability date is the date, determined by the VRS/SSB counselor and the person, that the person is satisfied with their job, the employer is satisfied with the person, and the person has adequate supports.

Incorrect—the correct answer is stability date. The stability date is the date, determined by the VRS/SSB counselor and the person, that the person is satisfied with their job, the employer is satisfied with the person, and the person has adequate supports.

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is the stability date. When the person is stable in their job, they're ready to leave VRS/SSB services and transition to waiver employment support services (if needed).

Incorrect—the correct answer is the stability date. When the person is stable in their job, they're ready to leave VRS/SSB services and transition to waiver employment support services (if needed).

Correct! When the person is stable in their job, they're ready to leave VRS/SSB services and transition to waiver employment support services (if needed).

Incorrect—the correct answer is the stability date. When the person is stable in their job, they're ready to leave VRS/SSB services and transition to waiver employment support services (if needed).

Select an answer:

Correct! When the person gets a job, the waiver case manager will plan for ongoing long-term support services.

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. When the person gets a job, the waiver case manager will plan for ongoing long-term support services.  

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. When the person gets a job, the waiver case manager will plan for ongoing long-term support services.  

Incorrect—the correct answer is A. When the person gets a job, the waiver case manager will plan for ongoing long-term support services.  

Select an answer:

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. When creating a person's individual plan for employment, VRS/SSB professionals must identify the person's long-term employment support needs and confirm that the home and community-based service (HCBS) waiver will fund these services. Confirming waiver supports during initial VRS/SSB employment planning will ensure a seamless transition after the person gets a job.

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. When creating a person's individual plan for employment, VRS/SSB professionals must identify the person's long-term employment support needs and confirm that the home and community-based service (HCBS) waiver will fund these services. Confirming waiver supports during initial VRS/SSB employment planning will ensure a seamless transition after the person gets a job.

Correct! When creating a person's individual plan for employment, VRS/SSB professionals must identify the person's long-term employment support needs and confirm that the home and community-based service (HCBS) waiver will fund these services. Confirming waiver supports during initial VRS/SSB employment planning will ensure a seamless transition after the person gets a job.

Incorrect—the correct answer is C. When creating a person's individual plan for employment, VRS/SSB professionals must identify the person's long-term employment support needs and confirm that the home and community-based service (HCBS) waiver will fund these services. Confirming waiver supports during initial VRS/SSB employment planning will ensure a seamless transition after the person gets a job.

DO: Practice

Complete the following activities to build your skills for collaborating with others.

Complete the following activities to build your skills using My Vault:

1. Create a professional My Vault account. If you have not created a My Vault account for yourself, go to the “How to use My Vault to support people” page and follow the steps under “How to create a professional My Vault account” to create an account.

2. Add your supervisor as a contact to your My Vault account. Open this “Keep track of your contacts, and store and share your files” (PDF) and follow the steps to add your supervisor as a contact.

3. Share a support plan with your supervisor to get comfortable with the steps for sharing files. Follow the steps in this Keep track of your contacts, and store and share your files (PDF).

4. Ask a co-worker or your supervisor to share a file with you from their My Vault account to your My Vault account.

5. If you have questions about setting up your My Vault account, adding or finding contacts, or how to add or find files, who can you contact for help?

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