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Work Toolkit:


E1MN training

Case managers

Guidance for supervisors

Supervisors of case manager who work in the E1MN partnership have an important responsibility to help staff build the knowledge and skills needed to support people on waivers with employment.

Supervisors can easily add the training for “Case managers” provided on this site to new staff training and ongoing staff professional development. As you consider ways to incorporate the training, keep in mind you can assign staff pieces of the training over time; you do not need to do it all at once. Begin with the responsibilities and activities that are most critical for your staff.

The training for each responsibility has three sections that encourage staff to:

  • Learn: Readings and videos to engage staff in learning the topic.
  • Reflect: A short quiz to reinforce the learning.
  • Do: Activities staff can do to practice what they've learned.

You can use the ideas, guidance, and tips on this page to help your staff become experts at their responsibilities in the E1MN partnership supporting people on waivers with work.

The training can be used for a variety of purposes including onboarding new staff and professional development for current staff.

Prior to debriefing an activity with staff:

  • Complete the steps under Learn for the assigned responsibility,
  • Complete the activity you assigned to staff,
  • Then review the answer key to prepare for debriefing.

The answer key for each activity can be found in the accordions below on this page.

Have new staff complete the steps under Learn and the activities under Do for all four responsibilities in this path. With new staff, use the answer key for each activity to review the correct answers, discuss questions they missed, and point out key takeaways.

Recommendation: Budget 6 hours for staff to complete the steps under Learn and the activities under Do for all four responsibilities in this path (about 90 minutes for each responsibility).

Have current staff complete the steps under Learn and one or more of the activities under Do for one responsibility. At a staff meeting, use the answer key for each activity to review the correct answers, discuss questions they missed, and point out key takeaways.

Recommendation: Start with the self-assessment and first responsibility in the path, Connect the person to waiver employment services, then assign each subsequent responsibility in chronological order for the next three staff meetings. Budget 5-10 minutes to debrief an activity during a staff meeting.

Have current staff complete the steps under Learn and the activities under Do for for the self-assessment and one responsibility a week until they have completed all four responsibilities in this path (4 weeks to complete). Schedule a meeting to debrief all four responsibilities in this path with staff. At the meeting, use the answer key for each activity to review the correct answers, discuss questions they missed, and point out key takeaways.

Recommendation: Plan for 90 minutes to debrief all the responsibilities in this path, approximately 20 minutes per responsibility.


You and your staff can take this self-assessment to determine your knowledge about providing case management on employment. Use the incorrect responses to help inform professional development goals.  

Connect the person to waiver employment services

Waiver employment services are a critical service for people enrolled in a waiver who want to work. Help your staff build their knowledge about waiver employment exploration, development and support services.

Click on the accordions below to view the answer keys for each activity:

Supervisor tips:

Answer key: Identify appropriate waiver employment service to authorize (PDF)

Supervisor tips:

Answer key: CBSM Scavenger Hunt (PDF)

Supervisor tips:

Answer key: Based on the search criteria provided in the activity, the search should return in approximately 17 dually-enrolled providers. (Note: number may change as provider enrollment changes.)

Supervisor tips:

Answer key: Write measurable outcomes for waiver employment services (PDF)

Coordinate services

A person enrolled on a waiver will often use a variety of services and supports to get and keep employment. Case managers ensure that a person's other services — such as transportation or day services — are coordinated with their employment goals and services. Help your staff build their knowledge about coordinating services to support work.

Click on the accordions below to view the answer key for the activity:

Supervisor tips:

  • Complete the activity and check your answers against the answer key to prepare for reviewing and reflecting with staff.

  • When reviewing with staff, have the “Supports” page of the Work toolkit open and ready to refer to during your discussion.

Answer key: Identify supports (PDF)

Supervisor tips:

Answer key: Referring to VRS/SSB (PDF)

Supervisor tips:

  • Complete the activity and check your answers against the completed Common Referral Form for the activity to prepare for reviewing and reflecting with staff.

  • When reviewing with staff, have the “Working with VRS/SSB” section of the Plan page in the Work toolkit open and ready to refer to during your discussion.

Answer key:

Monitor waiver employment services

Case managers meet with the person at least twice a year (or more often as needed) to monitor waiver services and review the person's needs and progress toward employment goals. Help your staff build their knowledge about monitoring waiver employment services.

Click on the accordions below to view the answer keys for each activity:

Supervisor tips:

  • Complete the activity and check your answers against the answer key to prepare for reviewing and reflecting with staff.

Answer key: Progress notes review (PDF)

Supervisor tips:

  • Complete the activity and check your answers against the answer key to prepare for reviewing and reflecting with staff.

Answer key: 45-day meeting notes (PDF)

Supervisor tips:

Answer key: Person-centered discovery tools (PDF)

Supervisor tips:

  • Complete the activity and check your answers against the answer key to prepare for reviewing and reflecting with staff.
  • When reviewing with staff, have the “Positive summary” section of the Hands-on tools page in the Work toolkit open and ready to refer to during your discussion.

Answer key: Positive summary (PDF)

Supervisor tips:

  • Complete the activity and check your answers against the answer key to prepare for reviewing and reflecting with staff.

Answer key: Identifying transition points (PDF)

Collaborating with other professionals

Case managers coordinate the supports a person needs to be successful in all areas of life, including employment. Help your staff build their knowledge about collaborating with other professionals to effectively coordinate services that support work.

Click on the accordions below to view the answer keys for each activity:

Supervisor tips:

  • Complete the activity and check your answers against the answer key to prepare for reviewing and reflecting with staff.

Answer key: Review an IPE and placement plan (PDF)

Supervisor tips:

Answer key:

  • Question 5: If you have questions about My Vault, you can ask your supervisor, or you can contact Disability Hub MN at 1-866-333-2466 or
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