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Work Toolkit:


Initial trainings and events

E1MN builds and provides trainings and events to support a shared understanding across the employment system.

Learn about upcoming E1MN events, register for trainings and access recordings of past trainings. For help finding a training resource or to get answers about E1MN, use the E1MN request form.

The E1MN core training is a basic introduction to the E1MN initiative for Vocational Rehabilitation Services/State Services for the Blind (VRS/SSB), waiver case managers, employment service providers and 245D waiver employment service providers. The training focuses on how the statewide interagency partnership will deliver a more seamless and timely employment support system.

The E1MN core training was offered on multiple dates in spring 2021.

Check out the presentation materials (PDF) and fun facts you may not know about other E1MN partners (PDF).

View E1MN core training

Recordings of each section of the E1MN core training are available below: 


  • Learn why and how E1MN came to be
  • Understand how E1MN will benefit Minnesotans with disabilities
  • Be able to explain the Engage, Plan, Find, Keep framework
  • Have a high-level understanding of E1MN team member roles and responsibilities
  • Recognize the importance of individual contribution to E1MN success
  • Be prepared for next steps leading up to the July 1, 2021, E1MN launch

The E1MN responsibilities for all training provides a detailed description of best practices and the responsibilities of each team member in the engage, plan, find and keep phases of employment. 





Additional training resources

Provider trainings include: 

This webinar highlights the process to become a dually enrolled provider with 245D and VRS/SSB. Enrolling in both networks will improve access to and continuity of employment services.

Slides and recordings from the webinar:

The benefits of becoming both 245D and VRS/SSB service providers

Overview of 245D licensing and enrollment

Overview of VRS and SSB breakout session

In spring 2021, VRS held a forum on the E1 PBA for community partners and staff. The forum covered background information, milestones, payment criteria and work in progress items. View a recording of the forum (1:53:26).

The positive summary offers an at-a-glance look at key discoveries from the plan phase that can support a person-centered job search. The positive summary highlights what was learned during the plan phase to help shape work goals and future success.

Watch this training video (11:04) to learn more about the positive summary and how to use it.

Case manager trainings include:

This training covers strategies for navigating shortages of employment service providers, including informal supports, non-waiver funded employment services, creative staffing options, and methods for developing new employment service providers.

Slides and recordings from the webinar:

Provider shortages and developing new providers in your area

Discussion questions:

  1. What local resources around employment have you come across in your area?
  2. What other ideas do you have for how to support someone's employment needs when there's a shortage of available providers?

This training covers strategies for strengthening partnerships with VRS/SSB and schools, reviews key collaboration points for youth and adult services, gives an overview of transition services for youth, and highlights resources to help you in your role.

Slides and recordings from the webinar:

Strengthening your partnerships with VRS/SSB and schools

Discussion questions:

  1. What is one thing you can do in your daily work to strengthen your partnership with VRS/SSB?
  2. What is one thing you can do in your daily work to strengthen your partnership with schools?
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