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Youth in Transition Toolkit:


The basics

Transition services

What are transition services?

Transition services are a coordinated set of activities to help youth with disabilities move from school toward their best life in adulthood. Services are outcome-oriented and based on a youth's educational needs and preferences for their future.

Transition services may include instruction, community experiences, employment and other postschool adult-living objectives — all based on a youth's individual needs.

Minnesota's Youth in Transition Framework defines quality transition planning. The Framework sets shared learning expectations for best life, in(ter)dependent living, employment, and postsecondary education and training.

Federal law definitions:

Minnesota's transition framework defines the term "youth in transition" broadly.

It includes all youth with a disability between ages 14 and 24. The youth could be receiving special education services, may have a 504 accommodations plan, or may otherwise have a documented mental health, cognitive, sensory or other medical disability.

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) are a subset of transition services that the Vocational Rehabilitation programs (Vocational Rehabilitation Services and State Services for the Blind) are required by federal law to provide statewide to all youth with disabilities between ages 14 and 21.

Pre-ETS includes five required activities:

  • Job exploration counseling
  • Work-based learning experiences
  • Postsecondary education counseling
  • Workplace readiness training
  • Instruction in self-advocacy

Learn more:

Pre-employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) provided by Vocational Rehabilitation Services and State Services for the Blind help enhance and/or fill gaps in the transition services provided by schools. Each topic within the transition framework is aligned with a Pre-ETS service to help teams use the same language during coordinated planning.

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