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Youth in Transition Toolkit:


In(ter)dependent living

Daily life

Telephone use and etiquette

Does the youth know etiquette for answering the phone, leaving voicemail messages, recording a voicemail greeting, and sending and receiving text messages?

  • Awareness: Understand phone use and etiquette concepts, such as answering the phone, leaving voicemail messages, recording a voicemail greeting, and sending and receiving text messages.
  • Exploration: Identify personal strengths, preferences, interests and needs related to phone use and etiquette.
  • Preparation: Practice phone use and etiquette.
  • Implementation: Use a phone with appropriate etiquette as independently as possible.

Workplace readiness training

LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Learn how to support youth in telephone use and etiquette.

Some youth with speech or hearing disabilities face barriers when making and receiving phone calls. Check out the Minnesota Relay program website to learn about services and assistive technology that can support people to communicate by phone.  

DO: Work with youth

Find resources to help youth explore telephone use and etiquette.

For most people, cell phones are a critical element of daily life. Share Emily Post's top 10 cell phone manners with youth.

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