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Youth in Transition Toolkit:


Postsecondary education and training

Advocacy and supports

On-campus supports

Could the youth benefit from extra on-campus support? Do they know where to get that support?

Most colleges and universities have a disability or accessibility services office with staff who guide students through the process of requesting accommodations. It's important to meet with those staff early in the enrollment process to ensure that accommodations are in place in time for coursework and testing.

  • Awareness: Understand the availability and importance of on-campus supports in postsecondary education and training settings.
  • Exploration: Identify available on-campus supports at the chosen postsecondary education or training program.
  • Preparation: Meet with the on-campus support staff to learn about available supports and accommodations, provide documentation and complete any required paperwork.
  • Implementation: Successfully use on-campus supports in a postsecondary education or training program.

Postsecondary education counseling

LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Learn how to help youth explore on-campus supports.

Learn about on-campus supports at one Minnesota college: Accessibility resources at M State.

DO: Work with youth

Find resources to help youth explore on-campus supports.

If and when to disclose a disability in college is a student's choice. Share this Disclosing a disability in postsecondary settings (PDF) guide to help students understand what it means to disclose, the process, and documentation that may be required.

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