The following process is encouraged with all youth interagency support teams to ensure consistent and robust transition services and Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS).
The youth planning process is a shared practice of Minnesota's Youth in Transition Framework.
1. Build the team
At the beginning of the school year work with the youth and family to understand who is (or identify who should be) on the youth’s support team. Consider all applicable school staff, Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) or State Services for the Blind (SSB), waiver case managers, and others. For more information about the youth’s support team, see the Roles page of this toolkit.
Ensure that all team members know about each other and have everyone’s contact information. One way to accomplish this is to help the youth and all team members set up a My Vault account. My Vault allows the youth to list their team members, save that information, and then share it with their support team.
2. Identify strengths and needs
The Transition/Pre-ETS Inventory (PDF) is a tool that can completed in a meeting with the youth, family, and other support team members. It allows for the identification and prioritization of the youth’s strengths and needs and which learning stage or stages they are at within each of the transition/Pre-ETS topics.
The youth could be supported in uploading the completed inventory into their My Vault account and then sharing with their support team.
3. Create plans
Using the completed Transition/Pre-ETS Inventory, the youth and their support team decides which team member will take the lead in assisting the youth in addressing each prioritized need this year. As applicable, each team member would update their agency plan (ie. the IEP, Employment Plan, or waiver support plan) to include the needs their agency will address.
The youth could be supported in uploading each updated plan into their My Vault account and sharing those plans with their support team.
4. Implement plans
Support team members are encouraged to utilize the Engage Families and Support Youth sections of the Youth in Transition Toolkit to support the implementation of transition/Pre-ETS services.
5. Track progress
Each team member responsible for a transition/Pre-ETS service tracks progress through the learning stages on the Transition/Pre-ETS Transition Inventory.
6. Reflect
At the end of the school year, the team meets to discuss the youth’s progress through the learning stages within each topic that was focused on this year.