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Youth in Transition Toolkit:


In(ter)dependent living


Does the youth have skills that allow them to be safe at home and in the community?

Developing skills to assess, minimize and make informed decisions about safety and risks is important for in(ter)dependent living. At the same time, people with disabilities shouldn't be shielded from every potentially risky decision but instead should be allowed to try new things, make mistakes and learn from them. Help youth develop safety skills and manage risks, while helping family members and supporters balance safety concerns so they don’t hold the student back. Learn more about addressing safety concerns with families.

Safety skills include:

  • Carrying an ID card and emergency contact information
  • Communicating whereabouts when away from home
  • Knowing what to do in case of fire or weather emergency
  • Knowing how to interact with law enforcement
  • Knowing what to do if locked outside of the house or apartment
  • Being aware of surroundings and safety in public places
  • Using common kitchen tools and operating kitchen appliances safely
  • Being aware of scams and how to protect identity and passwords
  • Recognizing and reporting abuse and neglect
  • Awareness: Understand how to stay safe at home and in the community.
  • Exploration: Identify personal strengths, preferences, interests and needs related to safety.
  • Preparation: Practice safety skills at home, school and in the community.
  • Implementation: Apply safety skills as independently as possible.

Workplace readiness training

LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Learn how to support youth in developing safety skills.

Life Skills Advocate offers a pyramid of safety skills in What safety skills does your teen need to know?, including how to respond to an emergency, basic street safety, recognizing home safety concerns, basic first aid, safely interacting with animals and internet safety.  

DO: Work with youth

Find resources to help youth develop safety skills.

The My Vault What if? activity— found in the My Day, My Life path — helps youth develop an emergency preparedness plan for living alone. The activity walks through issues such as the fire alarm going off, dangerous weather and being locked out, plus who to ask for help. Categories include weather, health, home or apartment, financial and services.

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