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Youth in Transition Toolkit:


Educate families

Decision making at 18

Too often families think of guardianship as an automatic step in the transition process. Instead, help families see how they can preserve their youth's choice and control.

LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Learn about guardianship and its alternatives.

Supported decision making is an alternative to the use of court-based guardianship. Supported decision making recognizes that all people, including older adults and people with disabilities, need at least occasional help to make decisions.

To learn more, check out the supported decision making section of the informed choice toolkit or WINGS Minnesota.

DO: Work with families

Help families understand alternatives to guardianship.

Use Charting the LifeCourse's supported decision making material to explore areas were youth might need decision making support, plan for what it looks like and how it can happen, and find the needed supports.

The informed choice toolkit provides worksheets, tools, guides and other resources you can use with youth and families. Focus areas include informed choice, supported decision making and person-centered resources.

Screenshot of the Disability Hub MN website, Informed Choice Toolkit, Resources and tools page.

Share Disability Hub MN's video series on supported decision making to help families understand supported decision making, guardianship and conservatorship.

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