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Youth in Transition Toolkit:


Educate families

The transition process

The transition process can be confusing and overwhelming for families. Help families know what to expect and how to plan.

LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Learn about the transition process in Minnesota.

The better you as a professional understand the plans, policies, programs and roles involved in the transition process, the better you'll be able to explain them to a family in a way they can understand. Review the Educate yourself section of this toolkit, including the transition framework, plans, programs and roles.

DO: Work with families

Share information and resources with families to help them understand the transition process.

The Minnesota secondary transition toolkit for families (PDF) was created to ease transition planning and help families approach this phase of life one step at a time. Developed by the PACER Center and the Minnesota Department of Education, this guide provides an overview of the transition process and specific resources to prepare children with disabilities for life beyond high school.

The Federal Partners in Transition workgroup offers a fact sheet on transition planning. What to know about youth transition services (PDF) covers the importance of transition planning and ways to help youth envision their lives as adults.

Share the Minnesota Disability Law Center's special education transition planning (PDF) fact sheet to help families understand transition services and the importance of early transition planning.

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development offers two key resources for families regarding Pre-employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)

Many people play a role in supporting youth with disabilities on their transition journey. Check out this summary of youth-in-transition roles (PDF). 

Benefits can be a prime concern for families during the transition process. DB101's parent focus articles can help them understand the basics and prepare for any changes. 

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