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Youth in Transition Toolkit:



Advocacy and supports

Employment services and supports

Does the youth need extra services or supports to be successful at work?

There are many ways for youth to get employment services and supports, whether it's to explore careers, gain work-based learning experiences, practice job skills or succeed on the job. Informal supports (matched to individual needs) may come from friends, family or community contacts. Formal supports may be available from the school or community programs (such as Vocational Rehabilitation Services, State Services for the Blind and Medicaid waivers).

  • Awareness: Understand available employment services and supports.
  • Exploration: Identify personal preferences, interests and needs related to employment services and supports.
  • Preparation: Explore employment services and supports based on individual needs.
  • Implementation: Use employment services and supports on the job.

Instruction in self-advocacy

Hear what young people have to say about services and supports

Watch this 7-minute video to learn how young people were supported to be successful during their journey to adulthood.

Services and Supports


LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Learn how to support youth in exploring employment services and supports.

Check out Educate yourself: The basics for details on key transition programs, including school programs, Vocational Rehabilition programs and HCBS waiver programs.

DO: Work with youth

Find resources to help youth explore employment services and supports.

Youth with disabilities can get employment supports from Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) or State Services for the Blind (SSB). Use the following pages from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) to make the appropriate connections:

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