Does the youth know how to purchase clothing, read labels, do laundry, and choose the proper clothing for various situations?
Youth in Transition Toolkit:
Does the youth know how to purchase clothing, read labels, do laundry, and choose the proper clothing for various situations?
Workplace readiness training
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Use the selection and care of clothing (PDF) from the Texas Education Agency to teach youth about appropriate interview attire and how to launder clothing in general.
Use the government of Newfoundland and Labrador's clothing module (PDF) to help youth make thoughtful choices when selecting clothing, including activities to help youth become informed consumers.
Use clothing selection and maintenance (PDF) activities from the Utah Education Network to help youth develop skills related to selecting, purchasing, cleaning and maintaining clothing.
Help youth learn the basics of laundry and clothing care with this week-by-week guide from Mom on the Side: Teaching teens laundry and clothing care.