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Youth in Transition Toolkit:


In(ter)dependent living


In(ter)dependent living skills — such as interacting with others, managing money and taking care of yourself — are critical to manage activities of daily living.

Within the Disability Justice movement, the term “interdependence” refers to the way that every person relies on their community for care and support, and gives that care and support to others, too. Part of transition planning involves identifying skills where the youth wishes to build their independence and areas where they’d like to tap into their community and other supports. The blended term “in(ter)dependence” reflects the many different ways that a youth can plan for managing their adult life within their community.

  • Awareness: Understand principles of in(ter)dependent living.
  • Exploration: Identify strengths, preferences, interests and needs within each in(ter)dependent living topic.
  • Preparation: Practice in(ter)dependent living skills.
  • Implementation: Use in(ter)dependent living skills in home and community settings.

Workplace readiness training

Hear what young people have to say about independent living

Watch this 5-minute video to see how young people prepared for independent living.

Independent Living


LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Learn how to support youth in in(ter)dependent living.

Daily life

  • Managing your home
  • Nutrition and meal preparation
  • Clothing care
  • Managing appointments
  • Managing mail and deliveries
  • Telephone use and etiquette
  • Digital literacy

Community living

  • Home
  • Transportation


  • Income sources
  • Money management

Healthy living

  • Well-being
  • Health care benefits
  • Relationships and sexuality
  • Parenting skills



Advocacy, engagement and supports

  • Self-advocacy for in(ter)dependent living
  • Assistive technology
  • Decision making 
  • Civic responsibility
  • Services and supports

Transition Tennessee offers a pathways to community life training module to help professionals prepare students for life after high school.

DO: Work with youth

Find resources to help youth develop skills for in(ter)dependent living.

Share video collections from the PACER Center highlighting how youth with disabilities are living on their own and moving out into the world.

Next: Daily life »