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Youth in Transition Toolkit:


My best life

Advocating for a best life

Disability awareness

Does the youth understand their disability and the associated opportunities and challenges? Do they embrace disability as one aspect of the whole self? Do they have a personal view regarding disability pride?

Disability is a natural part of the human experience. It's important for youth with disabilities to understand their disability, including how the disability impacts them and how to live a full and happy life with the disability.

  • Awareness: Learn about the terms disability and disability pride, the opportunities and challenges associated with having a disability, and how disability is one aspect of the whole self.
  • Exploration: Identify strengths, preferences, interests and needs related to disability awareness.
  • Preparation: Practice skills related to disability awareness at home, school and in the community.
  • Implementation: Understand personal disabilities and the associated opportunities and challenges, embrace disability as one aspect of the whole self, and develop a personal view regarding disability pride.

Instruction in self-advocacy

LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Learn how to support youth in exploring disability awareness.

To learn about disability awareness, check out Disability is Natural and the National Center for Independent Living's Disability pride toolkit and resource guide.

DO: Work with youth

Find resources to help youth explore disability awareness.

The Youth Celebrate Diversity website includes a section on disability justice and youth, featuring videos, books, movies, podcasts and more to help youth explore disability justice. 

Teaching about disability from Educators 4SC provides lesson plans and other resources focused on disability awareness.

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