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Youth in Transition Toolkit:


Postsecondary education and training


Entrance exams

Does the postsecondary education or training program require an entrance exam? If so, is the youth ready to take the exam?

Typical college entrance exams include the ACT, SAT or Accuplacer placement tests. Preparing for these tests — by completing an exam prep class, studying from a guide or taking practice exams — can improve test scores. Lower scores may result in the need for developmental or precollege classes.

  • Awareness: Understand the concept of entrance exams or specific postsecondary education and training options.
  • Exploration: Explore entrance exam requirements for chosen postsecondary education and training options.
  • Preparation: Practice taking entrance exams for chosen postsecondary education and training options.
  • Implementation: Complete entrance exams for chosen postsecondary education and training options.

Postsecondary education counseling

LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Learn how to support youth in preparing for entrance exams.

Help us develop this section! Do you have resource ideas to share? Use the Give Feedback link at the top of the page.

DO: Work with youth

Find resources to help youth prepare for entrance exams.

Consider practice tests for the given entrance exam:

The ACT Products and Solutions webpage
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