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Youth in Transition Toolkit:


In(ter)dependent living

Advocacy and supports

Services and supports for in(ter)dependent living

Does the youth have the necessary services and supports to successfully manage adult life in their community?

Services and supports for in(ter)dependent living are matched to a person's individual needs. Informal supports may be available from friends, family and the community. Formal supports are provided by personal care assistants and programs such as Medicaid waivers.

  • Awareness: Understand formal and informal in(ter)dependent living supports and how to access them as needed.
  • Exploration: Identify strengths, preferences, interests and needs for formal and informal in(ter)dependent living supports.
  • Preparation: Practice using informal in(ter)dependent living supports and apply for formal in(ter)dependent living supports as needed.
  • Implementation: Use informal and/or formal supports to manage in(ter)dependent adult life in their community.

Instruction in self-advocacy

Hear what young people have to say about services and supports

Watch this 7-minute video to learn how young people were supported to be successful during their journey to adulthood.

Services and Supports


LEARN: Develop your knowledge

Learn how to support youth in exploring services and supports for in(ter)dependent living.

Centers for Independent Living (CILs) provide services to people with disabilities by people with disabilities. For a map and contact information for all eight CILs in Minnesota, check out the Minnesota Association of Centers for Independent Living (MACIL) site.

The Minnesota Disability Law Center offers Into adulthood: Your guide to disability access. Share resources in the guide with youth and families.

DO: Work with youth

Find resources to help youth explore services and supports for in(ter)dependent living.

Direct youth to Disability Hub MN's pages on independent living and staying in your home. Details include receiving care at home, waiver programs, ways to get around, home modifications and more. 

Disability Hub MN's Independent Living webpage

Step 1: Watch benefits videos in the Benefits planning toolkit: Resources and tools

Step 2: Watch Moving ahead with Minnesota benefits

Step 3: Review Benefits for young people: Key programs in Disability Benefits 101.

  • Read through or talk about the SSI, MA and MA-EPD sections. Help youth understand programs that can help them pay for things like rent, utilities and health care — plus how to work and still get the benefits they need.

If you support youth who need shelter or have other basic needs, connect them with appropriate services through Minnesota's Youth Services Network.

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